Netball Switzerland

Netball Switzerland
Sport Netball
Jurisdiction National
Founded 2008
Headquarters Geneva
President Cath Rich
Secretary Jo Kitson
Official website

Netball Switzerland was founded in 2008 by a group of volunteers to sponsor and promote the game of Netball within Switzerland. Netball Switzerland is a full member of INF (International Netball Federation) and Netball Europe. Switzerland has World Ranking in Netball.


The Under 17 team was formed in 2008, and has represented Switzerland for the last few years in the European Netball championships. The staff driving elite level netball program launched the Cadre d'Espoir (literally translated as the Squad of Hope) with the aim of engaging and developing talented girls from 13 to 18 years old.

Year Location Captain
2010 Belfast Kate Garden
2011 Dublin Kate Garden
2012 Glasgow Isabelle Turney and Emma Coulsen
2013 Malta Georgia- May Gabb and Lauren Snyder
2014 Worcester Oriane Calmy and Sarah Irwin (Vice Captain)


Netball Switzerland is dedicated to developing netball both in public schools in Switzerland through the Prete-pour-net initiative as well as supporting the netball programs of International schools located within Switzerland.


The Swiss Netball Nationalkader/Cadre national was established in 2012. A squad of 15 represented Switzerland at Netball Europe World Ranking Tournament in Gibraltar, May 2012. Switzerland achieved World Ranking at the tournament alongside Republic of Ireland, Israel, Malta and Gibraltar. In May 2013 the team represented Switzerland at the Netball Europe Open Championships in Aberdeen. Switzerland won the Silver Medal in the Development Section of the Championships and Player of the Tournament.

Year Team Captain
2012 Seniors Andrea McKellar
2013 Seniors Mollie Brodie and Charlotte Spelzini

Annual Tournament

The first annual Netball Switzerland tournament took place in May at International School of Lausanne (ISL). It has grown from four local teams in 2008 to two tournaments, one in May for Junior's and one later in the year called " The Peppermill Challenge" for Seniors.

Year Event Winners
2008 Seniors Gin
2009 Seniors Gin
2010 Seniors Lancy
2011 Seniors Lancy
2012 Seniors Zurich
2013 Seniors Zurich

The Jo Beveridge Shield is presented at the annual tournament to the junior player of the tournament, as voted by the junior players.

Year Junior Player Swiss Club
2011 E.James GGNA
2012 Laura Van Dooren and Grace Beesley La Chataignerie Girls
2013 Ruby Gribben and Morgan Billington Meinier

External links