
The NetEqualizer is a bandwidth shaping system designed for voice and data networks created by APconnections in 2003. NetEqualizer appliances use built-in fairness rules to automatically shape traffic. [1] Based on current network usage, traffic is controlled by application-level traffic shaping. When the network is congested, the fairness algorithm favors business class applications at the expense of large file downloads, such as those seen with peer-to-peer file sharing. The favored applications include those such as VoIP, Web browsing, chat and email. [2]

The NetEqualizer has been implemented by colleges, universities, libraries, hotels, and businesses around the world. The appliance is currently being used in the rebuilding efforts in both Iraq and Afghanistan.[3]

APconnections is a privately held company founded in 2003 and is based in Lafayette, Colorado.


  1. A Look at NetEqualizer
  3. Taming the Net in the Middle East