Nepal Internet Exchange

Nepal Internet Exchange
Full name Nepal Internet Exchange
Abbreviation NPIX
Founded 2002
Location    Nepal
Website Official website
Members 26

Nepal Internet Exchange, established in 2002, Nepals first and only (as of 2015) Internet Exchange Point, keeps local traffic local, and makes local surfing much more desirable with local content for local customers, at the same time saving international bandwidth. It was established with the help of Packet Clearing House. Because of an unexpected earthquake this IXP was currently not available as of 25 April 2015 due to this event.[1]


NPIX Maintains two IX locations in Kathmandu valley, one in Jawalakhel, Lalitpur district and another in Kathmandu District. Members connect to one or both of these locations. The two facilities at Jawalakhel and Putalisadak run Cisco and Extreme switching platform respectively. Both locations provide 100Mbit/s and 1Gbit/s ports to members.


NPIX members include major telcos, NSPs, ISPs, National Research Network and Anycast Operators. The member list at NPIX Website shows 26 unique ASNs. NPIX is an open IXP allowing anyone with their own AS-Number and IP Address block to become a member and start exchange of traffic with other members.

Among others, members include DNS Anycast operators providing instances of E, I and L root servers and over 100 gTLDs/ccTLDs


Aggregate traffic of the IX is about 800Mbps.

See also


External links