
) T.V.Mahalingam, Ed., Mackenzie Manuscripts Vol- II, University of Madras 1976., p-96

 ) T.V.Mahalingam, Ed., Mackenzie Manuscripts Vol- II, University of Madras 1976.,  pp 78
 ) T.V.Mahalingam, Ed., Mackenzie Manuscripts Vol- II, University of Madras 1976.,  pp 78
 ) T.V.Mahalingam, Ed., Mackenzie Manuscripts Vol- II, University of Madras 1976.,  p-186
 ) T.V.Mahalingam, Ed., Mackenzie Manuscripts Vol- II, University of Madras 1976.,  p-79
 ) T.V.Mahalingam, Ed., Mackenzie Manuscripts Vol- II, University of Madras 1976.,  pp 80–81
 ) Henry Heras, Aravidu Dynasty of Vijaya Nagara, B.G.Paul &co., Madras 1927 pp-542-543.
   Inscriptions  65, 73 and 75 of 1915
 ) T.V.Mahalingam, Ed., Mackenzie Manuscripts Vol- II, University of Madras 1976.,  pp 78–79
 ) T-3733, Government Oriental Manuscript Libray, Chennai 600005
 ) T.V.Mahalingam, Ed., Mackenzie Manuscripts Vol- II, University of Madras 1976.,  p-187
 )  T.V.Mahalingam, Ed., Mackenzie Manuscripts Vol- II, University of Madras 1976.,  p-96 
 ) T.V.Mahalingam, Ed., Mackenzie Manuscripts Vol- II, University of Madras 1976.,  p-96 

History of Neervlur

The ancient name of Manthralaya was Nivarthi Sangamam., (Nirvarti sangamam means a place where Sanyasis attains Siddhi ) this place was under the rule of Kakadheya king Prathapa Rudra, who had constructed many Siva Temples (Sangameswara temple) in this area, and entrusted the maintenances of these Siva Temples to Ahobala matha at Changalamari Taluque, KanadanavÕlu (Karnool)Talukka These temples had many valuable Jewels, golden ornaments and gold and silver coins.

In saka 1317 (A.D.1395) Harihara constructed a mantapa and King Krisna Raya handed over the jewels to Ahobala matha .

This Mantralaya was given to Vibhunendra svami, the 11th Pontiff of Udupi Matha by Krishnaraya as Sarvamanya, this was with drawn when Rama Raya an officer under Siddhi Masood Khan and again returned to 12th Pontiff Jitamitra swami.

In Saka 1541 A.D.1619 Muhamadians, headed by Munavar Khan Subordinate of Mohmaed Ali of Hydrabad, destroyed all the temples and looted jewels and gold. At this time the head of Ahobalam was Sriman Sathagopa.

By the mean time, Hyderabad Nizam sent Muzafur Jung to Kurnool to seize this area from Munavar Khan. This Muzafur Jung appointed one Muhammed Alam to lead the army to attack Munavar Khan.. Munavar Khan went to Kadapaha, obtained a loan from a Sowkar a sum of Rs 3 lakhs, thro Nawab Mucha Miya and hired army men.

Mohmad Alam, asked for assistance from on Rama Rao of Gadwal, to attack Munavar, who asked that he, the Muhamed Alam should give back his ancestor’s village. Muhammed agreed and Rama rao sent one Sambhaji to assist Muhammed Alam..

The trio Muzarfur Jung. Muhammed Alam and Rama Rao, captured Karnool and at this time Muzafur Jung left for Hydrabad to bring more army to attack Munavar Khan.

Munavar approached Rama Rao through an agent and negotiated, terms were accepted and signed. The ancestral properties, the 19 villages were given back to Rama Rao. Rama Rao honored Alam and sent him back to Hyderabad .

The political changes affected the life of a common man and he was running from pillar to post, moving from forest to hills, hidden himself in pits to save himself, and he had no time to educate himself.

This innocence was utilized by Rulers who robbed the public and their valuables.

The temples collected the taxes on behalf of the kings, and acted as sub treasury which was looted by many including Mohals.

In Saka varusha 1500 (A.D. 1578), when Gopala Raju was ruling Ahobala matha, jeer of Ahobala was Srivan sadagopa

Ibrahim Qutab Shah of Kurnool navab Munvar Khan, entered the Kurnool Dist, destroyed all the Siva Temples, pulled the entire structure down to earth, looted the jewels and started ruling this Village . The Jeer of Ahobala was Sri Mann Satagopa Jiyyar. This jeer moved to Kumbhakonam with his disciples and on the way he was wandering in Thondai mandalam.

In A.D. 1500, Due to Muslims penetration in Andhra Country, The Ahobala Matha Jeeyar Sri sashta Parankusa Yatheendra Maha desikan left for Tamil Country and reached Kancheepuram, with his disciples and settled in Neervaloor.(The Sthala Purana of this Neervaloor mentions about the visit of this jeeyar who constructed a Lakshmi Narayana Temple in Neervaloor) This jeer Constructed Sri Lakshminarayana Perumal Temple in this Village and declared open (Kumbhabhishagam) on Dundhubhi Varusham, Thai 13, Thiru Ãdhirai Nakshatra, Navami Thithi. ( 09th Jan 1503)

There were two occasions that Vaishanavites immigrated to Neervaloor, first at A.D.1500 and second in A.D.1578, along with them Sri Rahavendra’s Great Grand and grand fathers might have moved in.

There is a manuscript mentions that Venkatanatha born in Thondai mandalam, (Kanchi) in a riverbed village in which located a shrine for Lakshmi Narayana.

So the place of birth of Rahavendra Svami must be Neervaloor.

In Neervaloor, there was a river which went up to Poondy, and the path of this river is shown in Annanda Vikatan of 1970, Chingleput Dist.

It seems Rahavendra Svami was the 17th Matathipathy of Udupi., succeeded Sudanendra svami .

Sri Rahavendraa returned to this place, and at that time he was known as Sathya Nidhi Tirtha Svami and he under took the maintenance of Sangamesvara shine. This place was given as an honor to the Madhva Guru in Saka 1572 A.D 1650 for the work he carried out . A matha was constructed and the Madva Guru attained Siddhi in S 1582 (A.D. 1660), a brindhavanam was opened for him in the village .

The river Tungabadra often flooded and destroyed all the Siva temples.

In 1712, a sanad / Sassana was given by Abdul Masood Khan. In A.D.1759, another sasana was given by Mustafur Jung.

The Subhanendra svami matham (16th Pontiff of Udupi) is in mangale on the banks of River Thungabhadra., was given as Sarvamaya to Udupi matha.

Country  India
State Tamil Nadu
  Official Tamil
Time zone IST (UTC+5:30)
Vehicle registration TN-

Neervalur is a village located around 15 km from Kanchipuram, in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is known for its temple of Lord lakshminarayana which is stated to be 500 years old. This temple also has a shrine for Lord Jwala Narasimha.


It was also known as SriBashyaPuram in the past, a reference to Sri Bhashya written by Saint Ramanuja. Even today, the temple comes under the control of Ahobila Mutt.
