Neal Petersen

Neal Petersen, born 1967, is a South African-born motivational speaker, author and round-the-world yachtsman. He is also one of the founding partners of the investment bank Sequence Holdings, and founder of the No Barriers Education Foundation. Smd


To date he has published two books: No Barriers was published in 1994. His second book Journey of a Hope Merchant: From Apartheid to the Elite World of Solo Yacht Racing was published in 2004, w/ William P. Baldwin & Patty Fulcher. Both books deal with various aspects of his yachting career, with No Barriers concentrating on his first journey from South Africa to Europe. Journey of a Hope Merchant won the 2005 National Outdoor Book Award (History/Biography category).

He now spends most of his time touring the United States as a motivational speaker.[1]


  1. "Neal's calendar". Retrieved 2007-12-01.