
Ottoman historian
Neşri Hüseyn ibn Eyne Beg
Title Neşri
Died 1520
Era Ottoman Empire
Main interest(s) Ottoman history
Notable work(s) "Cihan-Nümâ" (Cosmorama)

Neşri (died 1520) was an Ottoman historian, a prominent representative of the early Ottoman historiography. According to some opinions his name was Neşri Hüseyn ibn Eyne Beg who was registered at Bursa defter in 1479 while some scholars think his name was Mehmed Neşri[1] or Mehemmed Neşri

He is known as author of the universal history "Cosmorama" or "Cihan-Nümâ". Only the sixth and final parts of this work are preserved today. He probably completed it at the end of the 1480s or beginning of the 1490s by assembling many different sources, both of known and unknown authors.

He witnessed the death of Mehmed II in 1481 and the Janissary riots that followed it. Some parts of his text were based on the work of Ashik Pasha-Zade, another representative of early Ottoman historiography.



  1. "Neşri". Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Retrieved 23 February 2013.

Further reading