Navarro (surname)

Family name
Meaning someone from Navarre
Region of origin Spain, Italy
Language(s) of origin Spanish, Italian
Related names Navarra, Navarrini.

Navarro is a Spanish surname of the Kingdom of Navarre. Navarro is a regional name denoting someone from Navarre[1] after the Kingdom of Pamplona took on the new naming in the high Middle Ages, while also keeping its original meaning of 'Basque-speaking person' in a broader sense, an ethnic surname[2]

Found in Bologna (Bononia) in Emilia where it is the capital of the province of Bologna in Italy.

People with the surname


  2. Sainz Pezonaga, Jabier (May–August 2003). "Antroponimia Medieval Euskérica en la Navarra Tudelana". Fontes Linguae Vasconum: Studia et Documenta (Gobierno de Navarra; Institución Príncipe de Viana) 1 (93): 340. ISSN 0343-6993.