National Sleep Foundation

National Sleep Foundation
Abbreviation NSF
Motto Alerting the public, healthcare providers and policymakers to the life-and-death importance of adequate sleep
Formation 1990
Type non-profit organization
Headquarters Washington, D.C.
Official language
David Cloud
Main organ
Board of Directors, Chairman Christopher L. Drake, PhD

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) is a nonprofit organization in the USA whose stated objectives are to improve public health and safety by achieving understanding of sleep and sleep disorders, and to support sleep-related education, research, and advocacy.

Established in 1990, the NSF relies on contributions and grants from foundations, corporations, government agencies and other organizations to support its programs.

The goals of the NSF are to ensure that:

  1. Americans are aware that their sleep is an important component of their health and safety, and that they make obtaining sufficient sleep a priority.
  2. Americans recognize the signs and symptoms of sleep disorders and seek effective treatment for them.
  3. Public and private institutions operate in a manner consistent with providing optimal sleep for human health and performance.
  4. The incidence of drowsy driving is reduced so that it is rare and an exception.
  5. New sleep-related discoveries are made that optimize public health and detection and treatment of sleep disorders.

Programs and activities

Funding and editorial independence

The National Sleep Foundation is supported by a number of sources, including individual donors, sales of educational materials, advertising, investment income, grants and memberships.

Membership types include individual membership, professional membership, Pickwick Club Membership, Sleep Awareness Cosponsors and Community Sleep Awareness Partner (CSAP) Membership.

Grant sources include foundations, corporations and federal agencies.

Grants accepted from corporations, which include companies involved in health care and consumer products and services, are only accepted on an unrestricted basis, meaning that the foundation alone determines the ideas and content published or promoted in the program created by the grant support.

All of the educational resources produced by the National Sleep Foundation are developed and/or reviewed by independent experts selected for their knowledge about a particular subject. They comprise a task force for review of a designated project and their service is generally listed in the project publication.

The foundation's policy ensures that its recommendations are consistent with positions of the National Institutes of Health, findings of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, guidelines of relevant medical societies, and professional consensus statements or best evidence based on scientific research published in peer-reviewed journals.[1]

National Sleep Foundation Directory of Sleep Professionals

The National Sleep Foundation offers a "Find a Sleep Professional" web directory[2] for patients searching for healthcare specialists in their area. This database includes board-certified sleep specialists, dentists, cognitive-behavioral therapists, and other doctors who routinely see patients with sleep problems.

Publications and newsletters

The National Sleep Foundation publishes the following:


Additional sources

See also