National Power Index

National Power scores are the product of an index combining the weighted factors of GDP, defense spending, population, and technology. Scores are calculated by the International Futures computer model and are expressed as a state’s relative share (percentage) of all global power.

The forecast of these values is hosted by the Google Public Data Explorer.[1] Graphs for any country and some regional groupings can be produced to 2060 for the International Futures Base Case or scenarios produced for the United Nations Environment Programme Global Environmental Outlook 4.

In a ranking combining many more variables (GDP, current account balance, public finances, number of Global 500 corporations, nuclear protection, manpower fit for military service, military expenditures, military power projection, size of diplomatic network, UN membership, permanent UN Security Council membership, number of patents and industrial designs, official development aid, BBC Attitudes towards Countries poll[2]) in 2010 EU scored 0.961 and US 0.924 and in 2011 EU scored 0.954[3] and US 0.904.[4]

In 2010

Power as percentage of global power in 2010.

In 2025

According to the Atlantic Council and the International Futures model, the relative political and economic clout of many countries will shift by 2025.

Power as percentage of global power in 2025.

Twenty Most Powerful Nations at Given Years

The following is a list of twenty most powerful nations at a specific year according to the Atlantic Council and the International Futures model.

1 United States United States China China China China
2 China China United States United States United States India
3 India India India India India United States
4 Japan Japan Japan Japan Indonesia Indonesia
5 Germany Germany Russia Russia Japan Brazil
6 United Kingdom Russia Germany Brazil Brazil Japan
7 France United Kingdom Brazil Indonesia Russia Pakistan
8 Russia Brazil United Kingdom Germany United Kingdom Russia
9 Brazil France France United Kingdom Pakistan United Kingdom
10 Italy South Korea Indonesia Saudi Arabia Germany Germany
11 South Korea Indonesia Saudi Arabia France Saudi Arabia France
12 Indonesia Italy South Korea Mexico France Nigeria
13 Mexico Saudi Arabia Mexico Pakistan Mexico Saudi Arabia
14 Canada Mexico Turkey Turkey Nigeria Mexico
15 Burma Canada Italy South Korea Turkey Turkey
16 Spain Pakistan Pakistan Nigeria South Korea Bangladesh
17 Saudi Arabia Turkey Canada Canada Bangladesh Ethiopia
18 Turkey Spain Nigeria Italy Canada South Korea
19 Pakistan Nigeria Burma Bangladesh Australia Philippines
20 Nigeria Australia Australia Australia Philippines Canada

See also


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