National Party (Belize)

The National Party of Belize (NP) was a political party established mainly to fight the anti-colonialist movement propagated by the People's United Party (PUP). It had only minimal success and was eventually deregistered.

The Party was established on August 21, 1951 and dissolved on June 26, 1958.



Despite these ideals, the party more often acted against any change, because it consisted of persons who were against the type of radical development proposed by the People's United Party (which was formed a year earlier).

Record in elections

Reception by Belizeans

Generally, most Belizeans felt that the National Party was hastily put together and offered no real constructive opposition to the PUP, who themselves were going through internal turmoil and had been co-opted by the British. NP members came from among the elite merchants, colonial supporters and members of the colonial apparatus who were against change and this hamstrung the Party in its attempts to gain favor with the Belizean people.

The Party was terminated by resolution at a meeting of June 26, 1958. It merged with the Honduran Independence Party (HIP) a few days later to form the National Independence Party (Belize) (NIP).


All references are taken from Lawrence Vernon, "A History of Political Parties in Belize", in the third edition of Readings in Belizean History edited by Lita Hunter Krohn and Froyla Salam.