National Parks Act (Canada)

The National Parks Act is a Canadian federal law that regulates protection of natural areas of national significance.

Park lands

National parks

The act enables Parks Canada to designate and maintain national parks and national parks reserves. Within these, additional wildland areas may be designated. Natural resources in protected areas are dedicated to the "benefit, education and enjoyment" of the people of Canada. Development in the national parks have to be authorised by Parks Canada, subject to the provisions of this Act.

National parks reserves

National Park Reserves are defined as protected areas that have not yet been brought under federal jurisdiction due to outstanding matters (such as aboriginal rights).

Wilderness areas

Wilderness areas are lands within national parks, that are found in a natural state, or are capable of returning to a natural state. Any activity that may impair the wilderness character of these areas is restricted, with the possible exception of activities regarding public safety, basic visitor facilities and park administration.

Establishing parks

New parks are established by the Parliament of Canada either in areas owned by the federal government or where the federal government has management rights in agreement with provincial governments. Long term management plans have to be developed within five years of parks establishment.

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