National Liberal Federation

Not to be confused with National Liberal Club or National Liberal Party (disambiguation).

The National Liberal Federation (1877–1936) was the union of all English and Welsh (but not Scottish) Liberal Associations. It held an annual conference which was regarded as being representative of the opinion of the party’s rank and file and was broadly the equivalent of a present-day party conference.


The inaugural conference of the National Liberal Federation (NLF) was held in Bingley Hall, Birmingham with the objective of promoting Liberalism, encouraging the formation of new associations and the strengthening and democratising of existing local Liberal parties. The conference was chaired by Joseph Chamberlain and addressed by Liberal leader William Ewart Gladstone. New associations quickly formed throughout the country and affiliated to the NLF which was a coordinating body rather than one which operated a central control.[1]


The task of the NLF was “to form new Liberal Associations based on popular representation”. While the NLF always insisted the policies recommended by the members at its conferences were never intended to be binding on the Liberal leadership, it was obvious that the resolutions passed were a strong indication of thinking and feeling in the mass party which the leadership ignored at its peril. For example in 1914 the NLF came out in support of women’s suffrage and Asquith (who was personally opposed to the measure) decided it should receive government support.[2]


The NLF’s early associations were with the city of Birmingham because its development was based on the example of the Birmingham Liberal Caucus, which had been so effective in building a mass membership and an efficient electioneering organisation in the city under the political leadership of Joseph Chamberlain and the organising genius of Francis Schnadhorst who for many years was the secretary of Birmingham Liberal Association.[3] Schnadhorst was secretary of the NLF from 1877-1893. He was succeeded by Robert Hudson, 1893-1922.

Political orientation

In the Liberal split over Irish Home Rule the NLF was loyal to party leader Gladstone rather than its own now Liberal Unionist progenitor Joseph Chamberlain. However in its political orientation generally the NLF conference tended to take the Radical approach, most clearly in its support of the Newcastle Programme in 1891 (see below). Here it endorsed the extension of the Factory Acts, the introduction of universal male suffrage, an end to plural voting and the reform of the House of Lords. This brought conflict with Gladstone until his retirement from politics in 1894. However by 1900 the role of the NLF had become merely advisory in term of policy.[4]

Relationship with the Liberal Central Association (LCA)

Formation of the LCA

There was always the possibility of a clash between the NLF and the Liberal Central Association (LCA), the body (first known as the Liberal Registration Association) which had been formed on 21 February 1860 by twenty Liberal MPs to promote general co-operation between MPs and organisation in the constituencies. It changed its name to the LCA in 1874 and re-modelled its structure and purpose to become the ‘central medium of communication with and between the Party throughout the whole kingdom in aid of and in connection with local organization.’ [5] The chairman of the LCA was originally the Leader of the Liberal MPs but by the end of the 19th century it was the Liberal Chief Whip. As the 19th century wore on, the role of the LCA changed from that of a members’ association to that of a Liberal Whips’ Office. It put local Liberal Associations in touch with potential candidates and made grants of money to help with elections. It had no policy role but supporters of various factions within the party did try to capture the offices of the LCA from time to time, most notably in the dissensions in the party over imperialism.[6]


The likelihood of a clash between LCA and NLF was greatly reduced when the NLF moved to London in 1886 into premises at 42 Parliament Street,[7] next door to the LCA offices which were located at number 41 Parliament Street.[8] It also helped that Francis Schnadhorst, the efficient political organiser and secretary of the NLF was also appointed secretary of the LCA.

Liberal Publications Department

The NLF did try to produce some political literature early in its history but in 1887 the NLF and LCA collaborated in the establishment of the new Liberal Publications Department and these three organisations then worked closely together at the administrative heart of the party.[9]

The Newcastle Programme

After the split between the party and Chamberlain over Home Rule and the support the NLF offered to Gladstone, the NLF began to be more fully aware of the influence it was acquiring. This culminated with the Newcastle Programme of 1891, designed to be a co-ordinated programme of policies for radical reform springing from the grass-roots of the party - a manifesto for the next general election.[10]


Organisationally the NLF was the pillar of the Liberal Party. Under the presidency of Augustine Birrell it played an important role in the Liberal landslide election victory of 1906. It was active in promoting the Free Trade campaign after 1903 and through the work of Robert Hudson helped put in place a number of local pacts with the newly founded Labour Representation Committee. During the First World War, despite the opposition of many Liberals, the NLF helped to rally recruitment to the armed forces. After 1918 the NLF began to experience some financial difficulties but was able to remain solvent under the presidencies of Sir George Lunn and J M Robertson.[11] They, together with secretary Robert Hudson, remained staunch supporters of H H Asquith [12] and as a result Lloyd George had to keep his own National Liberal organisation in place between 1918-1922. When Asquith died and Lloyd George became party leader in 1926, Hudson who was by then NLF Treasurer, resigned.

The NLF continued in being until 1936 when an internal review of party organisation under Lord Meston recommended its replacement with a body with a different remit, the Liberal Party Organisation.[13]

National Liberal Federation officers


See President of the National Liberal Federation





  1. Peter Barberis, John McHugh, Mike Tyldesley, Encyclopedia of British and Irish Political Organizations: Parties, Groups and Movements of the 20th Century; Continuum International Publishing Group, 2003 pp314-315
  2. Roy Douglas, The History of the Liberal Party:1895-1970, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1971 p55-56
  3. Michael Bentley, The Climax of Liberal Politics; Edward Arnold, 1987 pp67-68
  4. Barberis et al., op cit pp314-315
  5. T A Jenkins, The Liberal Ascendancy, 1830-1886; Macmillan 1994 p102
  6. Roy Douglas, History of the Liberal Party, 1895-1970; Sidgwick & Jackson, 1971 pp11-17
  7. The Times, 5 February 1889
  8. The Times, 11 February 1892
  9. Douglas, op cit p15
  10. Chris Cook, A Short History of the Liberal Party 1900-1992; Macmillan, 1993 pp25-26
  11. Barberis et al., op cit pp314-315
  12. Paul Adelman, The Decline of the Liberal Party, 1910-1931; Longman 1981, 9th Impression 1992 p22
  13. David Dutton, A History of the Liberal Party in the Twentieth Century; Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 p138
  14. David Butler and Gareth Butler, British Political Facts, 1900-1994, 7th Edition; Macmillan, 1994 p152