National Institute of Bank Management (Pune)

National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM) is an Indian institution for research, training and consultancy in banking and finance. It is located in Pune. The campus is self-contained, with residential and educational facilities.

About the Institute

NIBM was established in 1969 by the Reserve Bank of India in consultation with the Government of India as an autonomous "think-tank" for the Indian banking system. It is intended to further the government's objective of developing the banking industry in India, making the industry more cost-effective, and thus better equipped to aid national development. The institute focuses on helping managers in the field make their organizations competitive both domestically and internationally.

The NIBM is governed by a board, which includes representatives from the RBI.

The institute generates more than 70 per cent of its own operating budget; the rest is funded by the banking industry.

As per the recommendation of the Search Committee, the Governor, RBI has approved the selection of Shri Achintan Bhattacharya (Retired Joint Secretary of Dept. of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Government of India) for the post of Director, NIBM.


The Institute is engaged in research (policy and operations), education and training of senior bankers and development finance administrators, and consultancy to the banking and financial sector.

In addition to its training activities, the institute has run a postgraduate program in banking and finance (PGPBF) since 2003. The PGPBF is designed as a contemporary, rigorous, innovative and practical source of management education. The program is pitched to provide to the financial system, on a regular basis, to a pool of talented young executives who are already trained in the fundamentals of banking and ready to take on managerial responsibilities in the banking and financial sector.

The institute also has two journals name: PRAJNAN-Journal of Social Management and Sciences & Vinimyaya which disseminates research papers and articles on banking and finance and operations.

Member Banks

In addition to the RBI, its member banks are the State Bank of India and several of its, subsidiaries, 19 national banks, and two foreign banks.

External links