National Infrastructure Protection Plan

The National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) is a document called for by Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7, which aims to unify Critical Infrastructure and Key Resource (CIKR) protection efforts across the country. The latest version of the plan was produced in 2013 [1] The NIPP's goals are to protect critical infrastructure and key resources and ensure resiliency. It is generally considered unwieldy and not an actual plan to be carried out in an emergency, but it is useful as a mechanism for developing coordination between government and the private sector. The NIPP is based on the model laid out in the 1998 Presidential Decision Directive-63, which identified critical sectors of the economy and tasked relevant government agencies to work with them on sharing information and on strengthening responses to attack.

The NIPP is structured to create partnerships between Government Coordinating Councils (GCC) from the public sector and Sector Coordinating Councils(SCC) from the private sector for the eighteen sectors DHS has identified as critical.

Sector Specific Agencies

Sector Coordinating Councils

  • Agriculture and Food
  • Defense Industrial Base
  • Energy
  • Public Health and Healthcare
  • Financial Services
  • Drinking Water and Water Treatment Systems
  • Chemical
  • Commercial Facilities
  • Dams
  • Emergency Services
  • Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste
  • Information Technology
  • Communications
  • Postal and Shipping
  • Transportation Systems
  • Government Facilities


2. DHS NIP 2013 Supplement - Executing CI Risk Management Approach