National Day (Cameroon)

National Day
Observed by Cameroon
Date 20 May
Next time 20 May 2015
Frequency annual

National Day is a holiday in Cameroon celebrated on 20 May. Cameroon has no single date of independence. The United Nations Trust Territory known as French Cameroun achieved independence from France on 1 January 1960, and British Southern Cameroons changed status from a Trusteeship under British administration to a federated state within Cameroon on 1 October 1961. The government chose 20 May as Cameroon's National Day to commemorate President Ahmadou Ahidjo's abolishment of the federal system of government and creation of a unitary country in 1972.

Even though it is considered a holiday, children all over the country go to schools and celebrate National Day usually by singing, carrying out parades or marches all around the different parts of their various cities. Speeches are made by the Head of State and other important personalities like Ministers.
