National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts

"NCAFC" redirects here. NCAFC may also refer to Newport County A.F.C..
Founded February 2010
Type Advocacy group
Focus Tuition Fees, Higher Education, Further Education, Free Education
Area served
United Kingdom
Method Civil disobedience, Demonstration, Direct action, Occupations, Research

The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts or NCAFC is a democratic, membership-based organisation of students and workers campaigning against tuition fees, education cuts and privatisation in the United Kingdom.[1]

The organisation was founded at a convention at University College London in February 2010 on a platform of campaigning for "free, fair and funded public education for all", paid for through the taxation of the rich and big business.

The organisation played a role in the 2010 UK student protests, calling several days of action following the National Union of Students organised demonstration on 10 November.[2] It was estimated that up to 130,000 students took part in 24 November 2010 day of action across the UK.[3]

In 2011 NCAFC organised a march through central London, supported by the National Union of Students and the University and College Union, in opposition to the government's Higher Education White Paper. As many as 15,000 students took part, with the Metropolitan Police pre-authorising the use of plastic bullets in the light of the violence after the previous year's protest against student fees. BBC reporter Mike Sergeant described the policing on the day as "quite extraordinary... It's the most tightly controlled march through London that I have ever seen".[4] The government later withdrew the HE Bill.[5]

NCAFC is currently organising a national demonstration for free education, due to be held in central London in November.[6]

NCAFC also has semi-autonomous campaigns in Scotland and Wales.[7]

The organisation also undertakes research into education funding.[8][9][10]

Affiliated Organisations


External links