National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians

The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (NASHIP) - in German "Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung (KBV)", based in Berlin, is the co-ordinating body of the about 150,000 office-based physicians' and psychotherapists' self-administration in Germany. It co-ordinates the activities of the 17 State Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. NASHIP is co-owner of the medical journal Deutsches Ärzteblatt and of the German Agency for Quality in Medicine, a member of the Guidelines International Network - together with the German Medical Association. Andreas Köhler MD is chairman of the board.


NASHIP being a body under public law is part of the medical self-government in Germany. The organisation advocates positions of the office-based physicians and physiotherapists in legislative processes, keeps the federal registry of physicians, and concludes contracts with the national confederations of the health insurance funds and other parties of the health care sector. Together with the health insurance funds it devises and revises the office-based doctors’ fee schedule, the so-called Uniform Assessment Standard. As a member of the Federal Joint Committee it is also one of the organizations that determine the benefits catalogue.

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