National Association of College and University Residence Halls

Founded 1954
Type Student organization
Focus College residential life
  • Lincoln, NE(The host location of the NIC)
Origins Midwest Dormitory Conference, 1954
Area served
North America, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Qatar, South Africa, and United Arab Emirates
Method Chapter affiliation, information sharing, conference hosting
Key people
Kenneth Hughes, NACURH Chairperson
Danielle Melidona, NACURH Associate for Administration
Kat Roemer, NACURH Associate for Finance
Brianna Gomez, NACURH Associate for NRHH
Dan Ocampo, NACURH Adviser

The National Association of College and University Residence Halls Incorporated (NACURH) is an international organization made up of eight regions. The eight regions cover the entire United States, Canada, parts of Australia, Mexico, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates. NACURH brings together students who live in residence halls on college campuses to share ideas, resources, and best practices in order to improve their residential communities.

NACURH Offices

NACURH Information Center
The NACURH Information Center (NIC) is the business office of NACURH, Inc. The NIC is currently hosted by University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The NIC's projects and responsibilities include: Maintaining the Resource File Index, updating and maintaining the national website, and keeping records of the dues of member schools. The current NIC Director is Matthew Knapp.[1]

NACURH Services and Recognition Office
The NACURH Services and Recognition Office (NSRO) is the services office of NACURH, Inc. and serves as a support office for NACURH. The NSRO was created to provide non-technical services to NACURH and its member schools. Currently hosted by the Kent State University, the NSRO is charged with creating and selling merchandise (pins, apparel, etc.) and creating and maintaining special national projects and developing other services for NACURH, Inc. as needed.[2]


In 1954, the Iowa State Residence Halls Government formed ties with RHAs at University of Colorado, University of Missouri, and University of Northern Iowa, and organized the Midwest Dormitory Conference. In 1955, the name of the group was changed to The Association of College and University Residence Halls (ACURH).

A similar organization, the Inter-Mountain Residence Hall Association (IMRHA), merged with ACURH in 1961, adding the word "National" to the name of the organization (NACURH). The association was split into two "associate" regions, MACURH and IACURH, based on the two original groups, which became devolved in 1964. In that year, PACURH, SAACURH, and NAACURH were also created. GLACURH was split from MACURH in 1968, and SWACURH likewise in 1980. In 1991, NAACURH was wholly split into CAACURH and NEACURH.[3]

NACURH incorporated as a non-profit under Oklahoma laws in 1971, granting non-profit incorporation to its associates, which became "affiliates" under the now NACURH, Inc. corporate umbrella. In 1997, the corporation and its Affiliates gained tax-exempt status.

Association of Alumni and Friends of NACURH (AAFN)

In January, 1982, the NACURH National Board of Directors (NBD) approved a resolution authorizing a NACURH alumni association. This brochure was designed to introduce the "Association of Alumni and Friends of NACURH" to the general membership.[4]

See also



External links