Narmada Express

Narmada Express (Indore - Bilaspur) Route map
Indore - Bilaspur Narmada Express at Indore Junction

The Narmada Express (इंदौर - बिलासपुर नर्मदा एक्सप्रेस / اندور - بيلاسبور نارمادا إكسبرس) is a daily express train which runs between Indore Junction BG railway station of Indore City in the Madhya Pradesh and Bilaspur, a town in Chhattisgarh. The name 'Narmada' signifies the largest river of central India, Narmada River. As the train crosses holy river Narmada, the longest and most important river in Madhya Pradesh, so is named as Narmada Express

Number and Nomenclature

The number provided for the train is :

Narmada Express departuring from Indore

Route and Halts

Another view of departure of Narmada Express

The train goes via. Ujjain Junction - Bhopal Junction - Itarsi Junction - Jabalpur Junction and Anuppur Junction. The important halts of this train are :

Coach composite

An AC I TIER Coach of Narmada Express

The train generally consist of 23 Coaches including :

The coaches number varies as per passenger conjunction which is extended by the increase in General coaches.

Speed and Frequency

Narmada Express name plate

The train runs with an average speed of 40 k.m. /hour It runs on daily basis from both the sites

See also
