
Products Dairy products
Revenue $233.278.254 RON
Number of employees

Napolact is a Romanian dairy producer. Napolact S.A. has two factories, the one in Cluj Napoca (Baciu) and the other one in Ţaga. In 2011 the company had 394 employees. In 2009 the company's renenue was $233.278.254 RON.


Napolact can be tracked back in time in Vlad’s workshop. Documents about it exist since 1905. The producer of butter and cow cheese, the Vlad workshop manufactures yoghurt for the first time and introduces it on the market in Cluj. Starting 1936, he produces fermented and melted cheese that he exports to different countries, among them the USA. After nationalization in 1934, Vlad’s workshop turns into The Manufacturing and The Industrialization of Milk Cluj, that, after 1990 is also known as S.C. Napolact S.A. In 2004, Napolact is bought by the Dutch Friesland Foods. In 2009, it merges with Campina, forming FrieslandCampina.




Certified traditional Romanian products

Several Napolact dairy products have been certified as traditional Romanian products: the Cedra yoghurt, Năsal, Târnava, Alpina and Smoked Alpina fermented cheeses, Bobâlna and Dej cheese and Huedin white cheese.

Ţaga natural cave

At Ţaga, Cluj County, in a natural cave from the Middle Ages, Napolact manufactures several types of cheese in microbiological conditions that are unique in the world. The rock of the cave and the Brevibacterium linens bacteria which developed in it, the constant temperature and humidity, act on the cheeses produced here.

See also

External links