Nancy Thomson de Grummond
Nancy Thomson de Grummond is the M. Lynette Thompson Professor of Classics and Distinguished Research Professor at Florida State University. She specializes in Etruscan, Hellenistic and Roman archaeology. She serves as the director of archaeological excavations at Cetamura del Chianti in Italy. Her current research relates to Etruscan and Roman religion, myth and iconography.
Selected publications
- 1982 A Guide to Etruscan Mirrors
- 1996 An Encyclopedia of the History of Classical Archaeology (editor) 2 v.
- 2006 The Religion of the Etruscans (co-editor with Erika Simon)
- 2006 Etruscan Mythology, Sacred History and Legend
- 2009 The Sanctuary of the Etruscan Artisans at Cetamura del Chianti: The Legacy of Alvaro Tracchi