N = 2 superconformal algebra

In mathematical physics, the N = 2 superconformal algebra is an infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebra, related to supersymmetry, that occurs in string theory and conformal field theory. It has important applications in mirror symmetry. It was introduced by M. Ademollo, L. Brink, and A. D'Adda et al. (1976) as a gauge algebra of the U(1) fermionic string.


There are two slightly different ways to describe the N = 2 superconformal algebra, called the N = 2 Ramond algebra and the N = 2 Neveu–Schwarz algebra, which are isomorphic (see below) but differ in the choice of standard basis. The N = 2 superconformal algebra is the Lie superalgebra with basis of even elements c, Ln, Jn, for n an integer, and odd elements G+
, G
, where r\in {\Bbb Z} (for the Ramond basis) or r\in {1\over 2}+{\Bbb Z} (for the Neveu–Schwarz basis) defined by the following relations:[1]

c is in the center
\displaystyle{[L_m,L_n]=(m-n)L_{m+n} +{c\over 12} (m^3-m) \delta_{m+n,0}}
\displaystyle{[J_m,J_n]={c\over 3} m\delta_{m+n,0}}
\displaystyle{\{G_r^+,G_s^-\}=L_{r+s} +{1\over 2}(r-s)J_{r+s} +{c\over 6} (r^2-{1\over 4}) \delta_{r+s,0} }
\displaystyle{[L_m,G_r^{\pm}]=({m\over 2}-r) G^\pm_{r+m}}
\displaystyle{[J_m,G_r^\pm]= \pm G_{m+r}^\pm}

If r,s\in {\Bbb Z} in these relations, this yields the N = 2 Ramond algebra; while if r,s\in {1\over 2}+{\Bbb Z} are half-integers, it gives the N = 2 Neveu–Schwarz algebra. The operators L_n generate a Lie subalgebra isomorphic to the Virasoro algebra. Together with the operators G_r=G_r^+ + G_r^-, they generate a Lie superalgebra isomorphic to the super Virasoro algebra, giving the Ramond algebra if r,s are integers and the Neveu–Schwarz algebra otherwise. When represented as operators on a complex inner product space, c is taken to act as multiplication by a real scalar, denoted by the same letter and called the central charge, and the adjoint structure is as follows:

\displaystyle{L_n^*=L_{-n}, \,\, J_m^*=J_{-m}, \,\,(G_r^\pm)^*=G_{-r}^\mp, \,\,c^*=c}


\alpha(L_n)=L_n +{1\over 2} J_n + {c\over 24}\delta_{n,0}
\alpha(J_n)=J_n +{c\over 6}\delta_{n,0}
\alpha(G_r^\pm)=G_{r\pm {1\over 2}}^\pm
with inverse:
\alpha^{-1}(L_n)=L_n -{1\over 2} J_n + {c\over 24}\delta_{n,0}
\alpha^{-1}(J_n)=J_n -{c\over 6}\delta_{n,0}
\alpha^{-1}(G_r^\pm)=G_{r\mp {1\over 2}}^\pm
\beta(J_m)=-J_m-{c\over 3} \delta_{m,0},
In terms of Kähler operators, \beta corresponds to conjugating the complex structure. Since \beta\alpha \beta^{-1}=\alpha^{-1}, the automorphisms \alpha^2 and \beta generate a group of automorphisms of the N = 2 superconformal algebra isomorphic to the infinite dihedral group {\Bbb Z}\rtimes {\Bbb Z}_2.
[{\mathcal L}_m,{\mathcal L}_n]=(m-n){\mathcal L}_{m+n}
so that these operators satisfy the Virasoro relation with central charge 0. The constant c still appears in the relations for J_m and the modified relations
\displaystyle{[{\mathcal L}_m,J_n] =-nJ_{m+n} +{c\over 6} (m^2+m)\delta_{m+n,0}}
\displaystyle{\{G_r^+,G_s^-\} =2{\mathcal L}_{r+s}-2sJ_{r+s} +{c\over 3} (m^2+m) \delta_{m+n,0}}


Free field construction

Green, Schwarz & Witten (1988) give a construction using two commuting real bosonic fields (a_n), (b_n)

 \displaystyle{[a_m,a_n]={m\over 2}\delta_{m+n,0},\,\,\,\, [b_m,b_n]={m\over 2}\delta_{m+n,0}},\,\,\,\, a_n^*=a_{-n},\,\,\,\, b_n^*=b_{-n}

and a complex fermionic field (e_r)

 \displaystyle{\{e_r,e^*_s\}=\delta_{r,s},\,\,\,\, \{e_r,e_s\}=0.}

L_n is defined to the sum of the Virasoro operators naturally associated with each of the three systems

L_n = \sum_m : a_{-m+n} a_m  : + \sum_m : b_{-m+n} b_m : + \sum_r (r+{n\over 2}): e^*_{r}e_{n+r} :

where normal ordering has been used for bosons and fermions.

The current operator  J_n is defined by the standard construction from fermions

J_n = \sum_r : e_r^*e_{n+r} :

and the two supersymmetric operators  G_r^\pm by

 G^+_r=\sum (a_{-m} + i b_{-m}) \cdot e_{r+m},\,\,\,\, G_r^-=\sum (a_{r+m} - ib_{r+m}) \cdot e^*_{m}

This yields an N = 2 Neveu–Schwarz algebra with c = 3.

SU(2) supersymmetric coset construction

Di Vecchia et al. (1986) gave a coset construction of the N = 2 superconformal algebras, generalizing the coset constructions of Goddard, Kent & Olive (1986) for the discrete series representations of the Virasoro and super Virasoro algebra. Given a representation of the affine Kac–Moody algebra of SU(2) at level \ell with basis E_n,F_n,H_n satisfying

[E_m,F_n]=H_{m+n}+m \ell\delta_{m+n,0},

the supersymmetric generators are defined by

 \displaystyle{G^+_r=(\ell/2+ 1)^{-1/2} \sum E_{-m}\cdot e_{m+r},\,\,\, G^-_r=(\ell/2 +1 )^{-1/2} \sum F_{r+m}\cdot e_m^*.}

This yields the N=2 superconformal algebra with


The algebra commutes with the bosonic operators

X_n=H_n - 2 \sum_r : e_r^*e_{n+r} :.

The space of physical states consists of eigenvectors of X_0 simultaneously annihilated by the X_n's for positive n and the supercharge operator

Q=G_{1/2}^+ + G_{-1/2}^- (Neveu–Schwarz)
Q=G_0^+ +G_0^-. (Ramond)

The supercharge operator commutes with the action of the affine Weyl group and the physical states lie in a single orbit of this group, a fact which implies the Weyl-Kac character formula.[2]

Kazama–Suzuki supersymmetric coset construction

Kazama & Suzuki (1989) generalized the SU(2) coset construction to any pair consisting of a simple compact Lie group G and a closed subgroup H of maximal rank, i.e. containing a maximal torus T of G, with the additional condition that the dimension of the centre of H is non-zero. In this case the compact Hermitian symmetric space G/H is a Kähler manifold, for example when H=T. The physical states lie in a single orbit of the affine Weyl group, which again implies the Weyl–Kac character formula for the affine Kac–Moody algebra of G.[3]

See also

