NY Art Book Fair

The NY Art Book Fair is Printed Matter, Inc's annual event that occurs at MoMA PS1 in Long Island City, New York, usually near the end of the month of September. The NY Art Book Fair is free and open to the public, and takes place on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with an opening preview on the Thursday evening.

The NY Art Book Fair was created under the direction of AA Bronson, a New York artist and the President of Printed Matter, Inc. (2004-2010).[1] Since 2013, The NY Art Book Fair has been run by Printed Matter's Shannon Michael Cane and Jordan Nassar.

Printed Matter's NY Art Book Fair hosts over nearly 300 independent presses, zines, booksellers, antiquarian dealers, artists and publishers from over twenty countries, in addition to featuring special programming, such as the Contemporary Artists' Books Conference, and special exhibitions.[2] In 2012, over 25,000 people attended the event.[3] In 2013, the attendance rose to 27,000.[4]

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