NOI poll

NOIPolls is the No.1 for country-specific polling services in the West African region, in technical partnership with Gallup (USA) to develop opinion research in Nigeria. NOIPolls is named after its creator, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (NOI), former vice president of World Bank, who in 2006, after serving the Olusegun Obasanjo's regime, saw a vacuum in the system that there was no independent Opinion Polling capacity for over 170 million Nigerians and decided to create NOIPolls, as a platform where the voices of ordinary Nigerians can be collated and used to support decision making across the different facets of the economy.


NOIPolls deliver forward-thinking research and relevant data on public opinion and consumer markets on a range of topics. It help enhance the activities of decision makers across all the vibrant sectors of the Nigerian economy. Also partners with policy makers, governments, donor agencies, civil societies, corporate organisations and the media to enhance their data set of information, ultimately adding value to their output.

Maiden poll

The first nation-wide survey was conducted in February 2007. It involved 1000 face-to-face interviews conducted in English, Igbo, Hausa, and Yoruba, and was based on samples drawn from various parts of the country. The maiden poll revealed the following about the Nigerian polity: 82% preferred democratic governance to military rule, 74% want Nigeria to remain a single entity, 42% are dissatisfied with the performance of oil companies in the Niger Delta, and 92% are dissatisfied with the way the government is handling the Niger Delta crisis .

Management Team

The first Chief Executive Officer of the company was Mr. Ndubuisi Anyanwu and he served in that capacity from 2007 to 2012, after which Ms. Oge Modie who was formerly Chief Operating Officer of the company was appointed as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer in August 2012.She is the first woman to lead Nigeria's leading independent opinion polling and research organization. The niche research and consulting arm of NOIPolls is headed by Dr. Bell Ihua who doubles as the Chief Operating Officer, a management consultant of over a decade experience. The management is assisted by an executive team made up of very competent personnel who are also experts in various fields of the economy.

Further reading

First National Poll (Feb 2007), Second National Poll (Nov 2007),Third National Poll (May 2008)

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