JSC NMZ or Nizhny Novgorod Machine-building Plant (Russian: Нижегородский машиностроительный завод or All-Union Machine-building Plant New Sormovo Russian: Союзный машиностроительный завод «Новое Сормово», Joseph Stalin Factory No. 92, Zavod imeni Stalina, or ZiS) was a Soviet artillery factory in the Sormovo district of Gorky. It included the TsAKB artillery design bureau led by Vasiliy Grabin.
Its products included
- ZiS-2 57mm antitank gun
- ZiS-3 76.2mm divisional gun
- ZiS-5 76.2mm tank gun (version of the F-34 tank gun)
- ZiS-30 self-propelled antitank gun
- ZiS-S-53 85mm tank gun
Currently, part of Almaz-Antey together with Almaz-Antey Branch no. 1.
Current products
External links
| SAM and AAW firing units |
- Second level developers: KB Kuntsevo
- MNII Agate
- OKB Soyuz
| Reconnaissance and informational units | |
| Control and communication units |
- Head developers: OKB Peleng
- Head manufacturers: UPO Vector
| Sales and after-sales service |
- GCPO Granit, RPTP Granit, VOP Granit
| Civilian products |
- Torgmash
- Holodmash
- Electroautomatika
- Mariholodmash
| Primary uranium enrichment facilities | |
| Centrifuge R&D complex | |
| Centrifuge equipment production complex | |