Nóregs konungatal

Nóregs konungatal[1] (List of Norwegian Kings) is an Icelandic skaldic poem. Composed around 1190 the poem is preserved in the 14th century Flateyjarbók manuscript. It is based on the lost historical work of Sæmundr fróði and is the best extant testimony on the scope of Sæmundr's work.[2] Consisting of 83 stanzas, the poem was composed for the influential Icelander Jón Loptsson and celebrates his descent from the Norwegian royal line.[3] The poem is modelled after the earlier genealogical poems Háleygjatal and Ynglingatal,[4] with which it shares the metre of kviðuháttr. It is thought to contain the central points of Sæmundr's lost work, especially its chronological information.[5]


  1. Alternatively Nóregs konunga-tal or Nóregs konunga tal. Note that the same title is sometimes applied to Fagrskinna.
  2. Clover 2005, p. 199.
  3. Hoops 2003, p. 70.
  4. North 1997, p. 39.
  5. Ekrem 2000, p. 12.
