Myerson's sign

Myerson's sign or glabellar tap sign is a medical condition where a patient is unable to resist blinking when tapped on the glabella, the area above the nose and between the eyebrows. It is often referred to as the glabellar reflex. It is often an early symptom of Parkinson's disease, but can also be seen in early dementia as well as other progressive neurologic illness.[1][2] It is named for Abraham Myerson, an American neurologist.


  1. Conley, Scott; Kirchner, Jeffrey (15 July 1999). "Parkinson's disease--the shaking palsy Underlying factors, diagnostic considerations, and clinical course". Postgraduate Medicine 106 (1). doi:10.3810/pgm.1999.07.604. PMID 10418573.
  2. Sunohara, N; Tomi, H; Satoyoshi, E; Tachibana, S (Oct 1985). "Glabella tap sign. Is it due to a lack of R2-habituation?". Journal of the neurological sciences 70 (3): 257–67. PMID 4056821.