Murray Boren

Murray Boren (born 1950) is a prolific composer of opera, symphonic, chamber, and vocal works. In 2007, he retired from his position as composer-in-residence at the College of Music of the College of Fine Arts and Communications of Brigham Young University (BYU).

Boren has both a B.M. and an M.M. degree from BYU and a D.M.A. from the City University of New York. Boren began his academic career as department head at the University of Nsukka College of Education in Uyo, Nigeria from 1979-1980. He then taught for four years at BYU. After this he worked in administrative positions at the City University of New York and New York University. He has been on the faculty of BYU since 1994 and composer-in-residence from 1999 until his retirement in 2007.

Boren has written the music for ten operas, some of which were with Glen Nelson as the librettist. Among his operas are Emma and The Book of Gold. He has also written over 100 songs and chamber compositions. Boren has also worked as the composer of music for live-theatre productions. He wrote the music for the Joseph Sonnets which were created in co-operation with Sally Taylor. Many of the pieces that Boren has written have been specifically for fellow BYU faculty such as flutist April Clayton.[1]

Boren created the Song Cycles published by the Mormon Artists Group along with Daniel Bradshaw.

Boren is a Latter-day Saint. He is married to Susan Alexander Boren, a soprano with whom he has performed.[2] They have three children.[3]

Several of Boren's pieces were first performed by orchestras directed by Kory Katseanes.


  1. Bio of April Clayton
  2. Deseret News Nov. 13, 2000
  3. Deseret News Nov. 5, 2000