Murder of Celine Figard

Celine Figard
Born Celine Marie Therese Figard
23 May 1976
Died 19 December 1995 (aged 19)
Cause of death
Strangulation and bludgeoning
Body discovered
Hawford, Worcestershire, England
Occupation Accountancy student
Known for Murder victim
Home town Ferrières-lès-Scey, France
Parent(s) Bernard and Martine Figard

Celine Marie Therese Figard (23 May 1976 – 19 December 1995) was a 19-year-old accountancy student from Ferrières-lès-Scey in eastern France, who went missing during a visit to the United Kingdom on 19 December 1995, after accepting a lift from a lorry driver at a motorway services in Berkshire. Following an appeal for information on her whereabouts and police enquiries, her body was discovered ten days later on 29 December 1995 at a lay-by in Hawford, Worcestershire. A post-mortem examination determined she had been strangled and bludgeoned to death.

The case received extensive news coverage in the UK around the Christmas and New Year period, amid fears that it could be linked to a series of killings around the English Midlands which police called the work of a "Midlands Ripper". The murder investigation included the UK's first national DNA screening programme in the hunt for a murder suspect, covering over 5,000 people.

Stuart Morgan, a 37-year-old lorry driver from Poole in Dorset was arrested on 19 February 1996 after a colleague recognised his image from a photofit. Morgan was later charged with her murder. Detectives concluded that after raping, strangling and bludgeoning her, he carried her body in his vehicle for ten days over the Christmas period before dumping it. Morgan was given a life sentence after his conviction in October, with a recommendation to serve at least twenty years. An appeal in February 1998 was rejected by the Court of Appeal, and in 2009 the High Court turned down his application for a review of the length of his sentence.

Figard was buried in the French village of Scey-sur-Saône at a service attended by family, friends and politicians in January 1996. In the UK she is remembered in a memorial garden established at a church in the Worcestershire village of Ombersley, close to where her body was discovered.

Background and disappearance

Celine Figard was the second of four children born to dairy farmers Bernard and Martine Figard of Ferrières-lès-Scey, near Besancon, in a rural community in eastern France. She was a gifted student, with a flair for music, language and mathematics. At the time of her death she was studying accountancy at the Lycée le Grand Chênois in Montbéliard. She developed a fondness for the UK following a 1990 visit and traveled there repeatedly.[1][2][3]

The lorry park of Chieveley Services in 2008. Celine Figard was last seen alive here on the afternoon of 19 December 1995.

She spent the summer of 1995 working at a hotel in Fordingbridge, Hampshire, where her cousin Jean-Marc was head waiter, using the opportunity to improve her English. She returned to the UK in December to spend another two weeks with Jean-Marc.[2] After leaving on 18 December, she travelled with a family friend employed by a local haulage firm to the French coast, as arranged by her parents, and crossed the channel the following day.[4][5] She arrived in Ashford, Kent. She had intended to travel to Fordingbridge by train, but her escort found another French lorry driver who was willing to take her to Chieveley Services at Newbury in Berkshire.[4][5][6] He then helped her to find another trucker for the final leg after she tried to phone her cousin to ask him to pick her up, but misdialed.[7][8] She was last seen alive at Chieveley Services at Junction 13 of the M4 on the afternoon of Tuesday 19 December,[2] entering a white Mercedes lorry.[9]

Police appealed for information about her disappearance, and issued a photofit of the lorry driver, but he was not identified. By 25 December investigators were working on the theory that he had abducted her.[10] The following day, investigators were working on the assumption she had been murdered.[11] Celine's father travelled to the UK to help detectives in their search for her and to appeal to the public for information as to her whereabouts.[12]

Discovery of body and autopsy

On the morning of Friday 29 December, the naked body of a young woman was found dumped at a lay-by on the A449 near the Worcestershire village of Hawford by a motorist who had stopped to change a windscreen wiper.[9] Police sought to establish her identity, but were sure it was not Louise Smith, an 18-year-old clerical assistant who had vanished early on Christmas Day after attending a nightclub at Yate, Gloucestershire.[13]

The body was positively identified as Celine Figard the following day. The post mortem determined she had been strangled and bludgeoned with a heavy implement, but did not establish which was fatal. The autopsy revealed "no obvious signs" of sexual assault.[9] However, it determined that sexual intercourse had taken place shortly before her death. Detectives believed it had occurred against her will.[14]

Police said that the body had been there for about twenty-four hours and were working on the theory that she had been held captive before being killed. Detective Chief Superintendent Roger Hoddinott of Hampshire Police said at the time of discovery Figard had been dead for at least four to five days, but did not announce a time of death.[9]


The investigation was led by Detective Chief Superintendent John McCammont of West Mercia Police,[15] and involved more than 100 detectives from three police forces.[2][11] Officers examined similar unsolved murders amid concerns that they could all be the work of the same individual.[16][17] Of particular interest were the recent murders of Tracey Turner and Samo Paull, both of whom were found strangled near motorways.[16] McCammont ruled out a link at a press conference on 4 January: "I would stress that at this stage there is no firm evidence whatsoever to link Celine's murder with any other investigations."[15] He appealed for information concerning a bottle of Pascal Chretien champagne, a gift to Figard before coming to England: "This particular type of champagne is not exported to anywhere in the world outside France and is not sold in this country. It is a 1993 vintage and only 60,000 bottles have been produced."[15]

On 12 January, investigators announced that they would perform DNA testing on the drivers of all vehicles similar to the Mercedes. This was the first time the method was used nationally to identify a murder suspect.[14][18] Detectives traced more than 1,000 vehicles and tested 5,000 drivers.[2] On 19 February, West Mercia Police confirmed that a man had been arrested and was helping them with their inquiries.[19] The following day, authorities announced that the suspect was English and had been arrested in Poole, Dorset in a joint operation between West Mercia and Dorset Police.[20] He was subsequently identified as Stuart Morgan, a 37-year-old, self-employed lorry driver, who on 21 February was remanded following an appearance at Redditch magistrates.[21]

Stuart Morgan

Stuart William Morgan (born 1958) was an English lorry driver and former heating engineer from Poole. The son of John and Julianne Morgan, one of five siblings, he was raised in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, where his father was employed as a council foreman and his mother – a refugee from the former East Germany – worked as a school cleaner. Morgan left school with three CSEs, and in 1974 served a custodial sentence in borstal following a conviction for burglary. After attending Croydon Polytechnic to train as a plumber and heating engineer, he established a plumbing business in the Tunbridge Wells area. He moved to Dorset following the failure of that business in 1983 and worked as a heating engineer for Bournemouth Borough Council. He became a lorry driver in 1991.[1][5]

Morgan met his first wife in Kent in the early 1980s. They married in 1982, but he left her when she became pregnant with twins. He met the woman who would become his second wife after moving to Dorset. She also became pregnant, giving birth to a son. They did not marry until 1994, after living together for several years. Morgan had a reputation as a womaniser, seducing customers while working as an engineer. He continued this activity after becoming a lorry driver. Following Morgan's conviction, brother Ray Morgan said, "He has had so many affairs over the years I have lost count." He also had a violent temper. One friend, Dave Moemken, described him as being "on a short fuse".[1]

He was driving from Leeds to Southampton Docks when he picked up Celine Figard on 19 December 1995.[1] Detectives concluded that after raping and killing her, Morgan left her body in the bottom bunk of his cab for up to ten days while he continued to drive the lorry, driving and sleeping in it for at least some of that time. Apparently Morgan left the body in the vehicle after parking it opposite his house to spend Christmas with his family.[1][22] Police believe he dumped the body on 29 December.[22]

He was arrested after another trucker recognised him from a photofit. Morgan initially denied meeting her. After he was picked out at an identity parade, he claimed he and Figard had engaged in consensual sex.[23]


The trial began at Worcester Crown Court on 2 October 1996,[4] before Mr Justice Latham and a jury.[22] Morgan's trial counsel was Nigel Jones QC,[24] and the case was prosecuted by David Farrer QC.[4] Morgan denied the charge.[22]

Morgan's trial was held at Worcester Crown Court in October 1996.

The prosecution account was that Morgan raped and killed Celine Figard on the afternoon or evening of 19 December 1995, then kept her body in his cab for ten days.[7] Farrer told the court that she had been strangled and battered around the head with a heavy object, and injuries to her face were "consistent with kicking and stamping". There was also evidence to suggest her hands had been taped together, and that sexual intercourse had taken place, with the prosecution of the opinion she had been "intimidated" into having sex.[7]

Evidence was presented by the prosecution to suggest that Morgan continued to use the vehicle while Figard lay dead in the cab, and that the lorry was parked outside his house over the Christmas period. Farrer said Morgan bought a spade, axe and hacksaw with the intention of dismembering the body, but changed his mind,[7] instead making an overnight delivery run to dispose of her remains.[4] After removing a fuse from his lorry's tachograph to conceal the journey, he drove to Worcestershire.[4] Discrepancies were subsequently found in his travel records for 29 December 1995 because he forgot to replace the fuse following the trip.[4] DNA tests on spots of blood found in the cab matched Figard, while a blood-soaked mattress was found in Morgan's garage.[7] Several items belonging to Figard, including photographs and a toilet bag, were recovered from his house.[25] Some of her clothing was found close to a warehouse he had visited the night the body was dumped.[7] Morgan gave two bottles of Pascal Chretien that Figard had brought to England as Christmas presents to two garage attendants who worked at a Shell station opposite his house.[7]

Morgan admitted giving Figard a lift on the afternoon of 19 December 1995.[24] He claimed that the pair had consensual sex after chatting and flirting, developing a rapport and halting at a lay-by where he made her a cup of tea and asked her for what he described as a Christmas kiss.[24] He said afterwards he drove her to Southampton, where they exchanged contact details before he left her,[24] and that she was "smiling and happy".[26] He did not come forward after police appealed for details of the driver who had given her a lift because he did not want his wife to learn of his infidelity.[26] He claimed her photographs and other belongings were in his possession because she had left them in his truck,[25] and the mattress had become stained with blood because a man had lain on it after gashing his leg while the vehicle was on loan to another driver in 1994.[2]

On 16 October a jury took three and a half hours to convict Morgan of Celine Figard's Murder, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment with a recommendation that the Home Secretary should decide his parole eligibility.[1][23] Passing sentence, Mr Justice Latham said, "What you did to Celine has caused revulsion in the minds of all right-thinking people. You are a dangerous man and I will so report to the Home Secretary."[22][23] Latham subsequently set a minimum term of twenty years, which was later endorsed by the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, Lord Bingham, and on 4 November 1998 the Home Secretary informed Morgan of the length of the sentence he must serve.[5]


Morgan appealed his conviction on the grounds that it was unfair due to the level of publicity the case had received. His application was rejected by the Court of Appeal of England and Wales on 5 February 1998 after the three sitting judges ruled there were insufficient grounds to justify an appeal.[6]

In January 2009 Morgan appealed again under paragraph 3 of Schedule 22 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 to the High Court of England and Wales requesting a review of the minimum term recommendation. This too was rejected, in July of that year, with the presiding judge, Mr Justice Openshaw recommending, "The sentence is – and remains – a sentence of imprisonment for life. The defendant may not even be considered for release until he has served at least 20 years (less the time served before sentence). That is not to say that he will then be released; indeed he will be detained unless and until the Parole Board is satisfied that he no longer presents a risk to the public. Even if the Parole Board decides then or at some time in the future to authorise his release, he will be upon licence which will extend for the rest of his life."[5]

The entrance to St Andrew's Church in Ombersley, Worcestershire, where services are held in Celine Figard's memory

Aftermath and memorials

Celine Figard's body was flown home to France on 17 January 1996, where her funeral was held on 20 January.[27] She was buried in Scey-sur-Saône. The Mail on Sunday reported that the ceremony was attended by 3,000 mourners, including family, friends and French politicians.[28]

A memorial garden dedicated to Celine Figard was planted at St Andrew's Church in the village of Ombersley, Worcestershire, close to where her body was found, and opened at a ceremony in June 1997.[29] Local residents raised more than £1,000 to help with its construction.[30] The garden also remembers other victims of violent crime, including Joanna Parrish and Caroline Dickinson, two English students who were murdered while in France. On 29 December 2000, the fifth anniversary of the date Figard's body was recovered, the local newspaper, the Worcester News reported that an annual service of remembrance was held for her at the church during the autumn, attended by her parents. Flowers were also regularly placed at the lay-by at Hawford where she was found, and the location named Le Jardin de Celine (Celine's Garden) in her memory.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Harding, Luke (17 October 1996). "As lorry driver is sent down for life, police reveal there may be a stringof other victims". Daily Mail (Associated Newspapers Ltd). Retrieved 23 August 2012. (subscription required (help)).
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 "Why did he kill our daughter?". Worcester News) (Newsquest Media Group). 29 December 2000. Retrieved 22 August 2012.
  3. "English learning curve for Christelle". Worcester News) (Newsquest Media Group). 4 July 2001. Retrieved 29 August 2012.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 "Driver `hid Celine's body in his lorry'". The Independent (Independent Print ltd). 3 October 1996. Retrieved 24 August 2012.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Openshaw, The Hon. Mr Justice (27 July 2009). "High Court setting of minimum terms for mandatory life sentences under the Criminal Justice Act 2003: Neutral Citation Number: [2009] EWHC 1629". Her Majesty's Courts Service. HM Government of the United Kingdom. Retrieved 29 August 2012.
  6. 6.0 6.1 "Celine killer's appeal bid is turned down". The Birmingham Post (Miror Group Newspapers). 6 February 1998. Retrieved 25 August 2012.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 "Killer kept Celine's body behind his driver's seat for ten days" (subscription required). Daily Mail (Associated Newspapers Ltd). 3 October 1996. Retrieved 23 August 2012.
  8. Souness, Howard (17 October 1996). "Eyes of pure evil: I saw killer with Celine". The Mirror (Mirror Group Newspapers). Retrieved 25 August 2012.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Bennett, Will (31 December 1995). "Killer hid Celine 'for days'". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). Retrieved 22 August 2012.
  10. "Police fear lorry driver abducted French student". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). 26 December 1996. Retrieved 25 August 2012.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Brace, Matthew (27 December 1995). "Missing girl's father helps in murder hunt". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). Retrieved 26 August 2012.
  12. "Father of missing French student Celine Figard appeals to public for help in finding his daughter". ITN News (ITN). 27 December 1995. Retrieved 22 August 2012.
  13. Brace, Matthew (30 December 1995). "Fears grow for Celine after body is found". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). Retrieved 22 August 2012.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Mowbray, Chris; Bennetto, Jason (13 January 1996). "DNA test for 1,200 lorry drivers". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). Retrieved 22 August 2012.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Bennett, Will (5 January 1996). "Serial killer link to Celine ruled out". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). Retrieved 22 August 2012.
  16. 16.0 16.1 "Celine might have been serial killer's tenth victim". Daily Mail (Associated Newspapers). 1 January 1996. Retrieved 26 August 2012. (subscription required (help)).
  17. "Police swap evidence in hunt for Celine's killer". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). 2 January 1996. Retrieved 27 August 2012. |first1= missing |last1= in Authors list (help)
  18. "DNA Fingerprinting: Research Paper 96/44". 27 March 1996. p. 27. Retrieved 15 September 2012.
  19. "Man held in search for Celine sex killer" (subscription required). Daily Mail (Associated Newspapers Ltd). 20 February 1996. Retrieved 22 August 2012.
  20. "Celine joint swoop". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). 21 February 1996. Retrieved 24 August 2012.
  21. "Celine remand". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). 22 February 1996. Retrieved 22 August 2012.
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 Garner, Clare (17 October 1996). "Life for lorry driver who ended Celine's journey of optimism". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). Retrieved 22 August 2012.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 "Celine beast caged for life". Daily Record (Mirror Group Newspapers). 17 October 1996. Retrieved 24 August 2012.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 "Murder-charge lorry driver gives evidence". Daily Mail (Associated Newspapers Ltd). 11 October 1996. Retrieved 23 August 2012. (subscription required (help)).
  25. 25.0 25.1 Daniels, Bill (4 October 1996). "Celine photos at trucker's home". The Mirror (Mirror Group Newspapers). Retrieved 23 August 2012.
  26. 26.0 26.1 "Celine case man tells of kiss". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). 11 October 1996. Retrieved 24 August 2012.
  27. "Celine Figard's body flown home". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). 18 January 1996. Retrieved 25 August 2012.
  28. "Thousands pay tribute to Celine" (subscription required). The Mail on Sunday (Associated Newspapers Ltd). 21 January 1996. Retrieved 25 August 2012.
  29. "A colourful memorial to tragic Celine". The Independent (Independent Print Ltd). 16 June 1997. Retrieved 26 August 2012.
  30. Mouland, Bill (17 July 1997). "For our daughters" (subscription required). Daily Mail (Associated Newspapers Ltd). Retrieved 5 April 2013.