Muhammad Bayazid

Muhammad Bayazid

Muhammad Bayazid (aka Mohamad Baiazid) is a Syrian film-maker, studied film-making in London film school and studied screenwriting in BBC.

Bayazid is known by directing "Mujaddidun", a reality show presented by Egyptian public figure Amr Khaled, he is also known for directing Maher Zain's latest music video "Muhammad (PBUH)" Bayazid has directed many TV commercials, public service announcements, TV programs, documentaries. He's also known for giving film-making courses around the world.

On April 4, 2011, Muhammad Bayazid received an honor award of the best film in the world for his creative short film in a film festival in New York - United States of America.[1]

Bayazid has directed Inspiration mini series, a twelve episodes featuring Imam Omar Suleiman and Mohammed Zeyara, it discussed how the Islamic prophet Muhammad has inspired a youth in his everyday struggles.

He was arrested by Syrian soldiers during the Syrian revolution.[1][2]
