
Total population
Approx. 1,00,00,000 - 2,00,00,000
Regions with significant populations
PakistanIranIraq•Saudi Arab•U.A.E•OmanJordanBahrainTanzania
Arabic • Seraiki • SindhiUrduBalochi
Related ethnic groups
Arabs, Baloch

Mugheri (or Mughery, Mughairi, Arabic: المغیری) are a social group descended from Arabs, but in Pakistan they are considered to be Baloch. As some Sindhi castes have been considered or merged in Baloch tribes, similarly Mugheri are included in the Baloch tribe so their minority could come in the majority. Mugheri are descended from Arab Field Marshal Mughera Bin Yazid Bin Hatim, who was appointed as Field Marshal for Sindh by his elder brother and famous Governor of Sindh in Abbasid Caliphate named Daud Bin Yazid Bin Hatim.[1] He was appointed as Governor of Sind in 800AD (184 Hijri) by Caliph Haroon-ur-Rashid (786-809). Governor Daud Bin Yazid Bin Hatim governed Sind for the longest period of nine years and his son Bashar Bin Daud Bin Hatim became next successor Governor of Sind during the caliphate of Mamoon-ur-Rashid. The Mughera tribe was at the climax because they ran their business, trade, affairs and matters effectively and were wealthy under the Abbasid Caliphate.


Researchers and scholars

Bhag, Baluchistan; This is possible second place after Iraq where Mughera's tribe settled in majority

Khair Mohammad Burriro

According to this researcher [2] Mugheri are directly descended from Mir Ali Khan, the second son of Mir Jalal Khan who is ancestor of Baloch. He further says in Burdi tribe there was Hajija Family in which Mugher Khan and Buland Khan were two brothers, Mugheri tribe is descended from Mugher Khan who had three sons Rozi,Khushal and Hassan Mugheri while Rozi had four sons namely Nazar,Feroz,Jaghir and Dighar.[3]

Ayaz Bhagat

A well known Researcher on Castes living in Sind Pakistan says [4] Mugheri are not Baloch because Rai bahadur Lala Hetoram who was local person and first historian of Baluchistan did not include Mugheri in any Baloch tribe which proves Mugheri do not belong to any Baloch tribe. Ayaz further says Mugheri are descended from Arab Warrior Mughera Bin Yazid Bin Hatim who came in Sind in 800AD along his delegation.[5]

Mansel Longworth Dames

The scholar of oriental and Portuguese languages and researcher on Baloch races, an English officer Mansel Longworth Dames (1850–1922) in his book The Baloch Races did not mention the Mugheri in the Burdi tribe but he considered it as 17th sub-caste of Magsi tribe.[6]

Shaikh Sadik Ali Ansari

Ansari writes in his book The Musalamn Races that Burdi (Buledi) tribe is descendant of Mir Ali the second son of Mir Jalal Khan. Mir Ali had two sons Zendi Khan and Murad Khan while Zendi had two sons Sundar and Haji. All Burdi (Buledi) are descendant of Sundar and Haji Khan or in other words Burdi are descendant of Zendi Khan. He further added that Mugheri are descendant of Haji Khan (Hajija) or in other words they are said to be sub-caste of Burdi tribe.[7]

Rai Bahadur Lala Hetoram

The first historian of Baluchistan Lala Hoat Ram of 1907 in his book “History of Baluchistan” did not consider and mention Mugheri in any Baloch tribe and even [8] he did not consider Mugheri caste as sub-caste of Magsi and Burdi .

Justice(R) Khuda Bux Marri

The research work of Mansel Longworth Dames and his combined English poetry was translated in Sindhi by Justice(R) Khuda Bux Marri, who wrote a book “Baluchistan in the constitution of History” in the last of this book [9] he made an index of Baloch tribes in which he did not mention Mugheri in Burdi (Buledi) tribe but he considered them as sub-caste of Magsi.

M. K. Pikolin

He was an English Researcher and Scholar who also considered Mugheri as sub-caste of Magsi in his book on baloch races. On the basis of views of these above Scholars and researchers it is clear that Mugheri are not Baloch that is why Lala Hoatu Ram did not mention them in any Baloch tribe but Shaikh Sadik Ali Ansari on unknown basis considered the, in Burdi (Buledi) tribe. Mansel Longworth Dames, M.K Pikolin and Justice(R) Khuda Bux Marri considered Mugheri as sub-caste of Magsi which is actually a Sindhi tribe. These Scholars even did not explain anything that when Mugheri became part of the Magsi. On the basis of these realities it is proved that Mugheri are not Baloch.


[4] After research it is concluded that Mugheri are not clan of Baloch or Rajput or Soomra or Kalhoro or Channa or Bhatti or Machi or Muhani or Jat but Mugheri are actually Arab and they are descended from great Field Marshal Mughera Bin Yazid Bin Hatim. Thus descendants of Mughera call themselves as Mugheri (i.e.; Descendant of Mughera Bin Yazid Bin Hatim). The Caliph Haroon-ur-Rashid, who remained famous caliph in Abbasid Caliphate. In his caliphate Sindhi tribes were fighting for their freedom and Arab tribes who were inhabitants of Sindh specially Yemeni and Hejazi were great opponents of each other. For controlling the critical situations of Sindh in 184 Hijri (800AD) Caliph Haroon-ur-Rashid appointed Daud Bin Yazid Bin Hatim as a Governor of Sind.

Arrival of Mughera in Sind

[1] The Governor Daud Bin Yazid Bin Hatim instead of going himself to Sindh, he appointed his brother Mughera Bin Yazid Bin Hatim as Nawab(Naib) and sent him with delegation to Sindh for controlling the critical situations of Sindh. As the conditions of Sindh were critical, one side there was a war of detention of Sindhi people and on other side two Arab tribes were opponents of each other. When Mughera Bin Yazid Bin Hatim reached Mansura the doors of the city were closed by Nazadya tribe and they put one condition for Mughera that he wouldn't take revenge from nazadya so they would leave the city.

The death of Mughera

According to the book” History of Yaqoubi” [10] when Mughera entered in the city there was a huge crowd of nazadya tribe who fought with Mughera and killed him in that war. Though in other books of history it is found that when Mughera reached the Mansura he got defeat and he got shelter in mountainous area, who told the whole story to his brother Daud Bin Yazid Bin Hatim who then came to Sindh and controlled the situations but before his arrival to Sindh Mughera was killed. Governor Daud Bin Yazid Bin Hatim remained ruler of Sindh for Nine years. The Arab warriors and tribes who came along Mughera Bin Yazid Bin Hatim to Sindh they ascribed their names with him after his death as Mugheri.

Rule of Mughera’s tribe

According to Scholar and writer Qazi Athar Mubarkapori that[11] Daud Bin Yazid Bin Hatim brother of Mughera remained ruler of Sindh for Nine years and his son Bashar Bin Daud Bin Hatim became next successor Governor of Sindh during Mamoon-ur-Rasheed caliphate. They settled their many people who then became the inhabitants of Sindh. As Mughera Bin Yazid Bin Hatim was killed in Sindh thus their people affiliated their names with Mughera who remained in Northern Sindh called themselves with their Leader’s name as “Mugheri”.

Climax of Mugheri tribe

Qazi Athar Mubarkapori in his book “Abbasid Caliphate and Hindustan” writes that[11] in Abbasid Caliphate Mughera’s tribe was at the climax because they ran their business, affairs and matters in a great way and from this tribe most of people were considered as riches in Abbasid Caliphate. As compared to other Islamic countries in Sindh Mughera’s tribe was rich, remained rulers and their population became in majority. Thus Governors of Mughera’s tribe contributed a lot for their tribe and they played vital role in development of Sindh.[12]

Settlement of Mugheri tribe

Mugheri indeed is an Arab race which is found in the majority of these countries: United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arab, Oman, Jordan, Iraq, Tanzania, Egypt etc, while in Pakistan the huge population of Mugheri tribe lives in Baluchistan, Sindh and Punjab, Pakistan. The major areas occupied by Mugheri tribe are; Bhag, District Bolan, Baluchistan, Jacobabad, Larkana, Qamber Shahdadkot District , Warah, Waggan, Nasirabad District, Mehar, Dadu District, La lu Rawnk, Khairpur District, Sanghar District, Nawabshah, Karachi, and lower Punjab, Pakistan [13]


[4] The sub-castes of this tribe in Pakistan are:

  • Bhand
  • Aarbani (derived from Arban Khan)
  • Jaamra (derived from Jaam Khan)
  • Notkani (derived from Noat Khan)
  • Hajija (derived from Haji Khan)
  • Pahore
* Sathiyani (derived from Sathi Khan)
  • Ferozani (derived from Feroz Khan)
  • Kalani (derived from Kaalan Khan)
  • Sirajani (derived from Siraj Khan)
  • Bambrani
  • Latifani (derived from Latif )
  • Digarani (derived from Digaar)
  • Rehanzai
  • Madozai
  • Wahdadani (derived from Wahadad)
  • Khor
  • Rustamani (derived from Rustam Khan)
  • Nazrani (derived from Nazar)
  • Kherani (derived from Kher)
  • Somarani (derived from Soomar)
  • Rolyani
  • Jaghirani (derived from Jhagir)
  • Nariwal (derived from Bhag Nari,area in Baluchistan)
  • Fazulzai ( Fazal of Bhag Nari)

The Official Website

© 2012-14

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Henry Miers Elliot (1867). History of India. Cambridge,Delhi: Cambridge. pp. 543, 544.
  2. Khair Mohammad Burriro (2010). Encyclopedia of Castes. Hydearbad,Sindh: Sindhi Language Authority,Hyderabad,Sindh. p. 6000.
  3. The Encyclopedia of Castes(in Sindhi)By Khair Mohammad Burriro Page no: 1520,1521
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Ayaz Hussain Bhagat (2012). The castes,tribes & nations living in sindh. Hydearbad,Sindh: Sindhi adabi board,hyderabad,sindh. pp. 822–824.
  5. The Castes, Tribes and nations living in Sind (in Sindhi) By Ayaz Bhaghat pages 822,823,824
  6. Mansel Longworth Dames (1904). The Baloch Race: A Historical and Ethnological Sketch. Royal Asiatic society. p. 75. Retrieved 8 June 2013.
  7. Anṡārī ʻAlī Sher ʻAlī (1901). A short sketch, historical and traditional, of the Musalman races found in Sind, Baluchistan and Afghanistan, their genealogical sub-division and septs, together with an ethnological and ethnographical account. Printed at the Commissioner's press. p. 24. Retrieved 8 June 2013.
  8. History of Baluchistan By Rai Bahadur Hetoram 1907
  9. Baluchistan in the constitution of history By Justice Retired Khuda Bakhsh Marri page: 261
  10. The History of Yaqoubi By Sindhi lekhak page 41
  11. 11.0 11.1 Qazi Athar Mubarkapori (1907). Abbasid Caliphate and Subcontinent. Baluchistan,Pakistan: Baluchistan. p. 1500.
  12. The Abbasid Caliphate and Subcontinent By Athar Mubarkapori page: 1251
  13. Engineer Mir Iqbal Ahmed Mugheri (2012). "Mugheri: A Short Historical and Ethnological Sketch in Urdu" (PDF). Mugheri Website Publishers. p. 01. Retrieved 10 October 2013.