Movida viguesa

The Movida viguesa was a hedonistic cultural movement that took place in Vigo, Spain during the 1980s as a reaction to the conventional Spanish culture from that time. In the end of the seventies the industrial area of Vigo was affected by the economy crisis and the industrial reforms. Together with the Madrid scene, booth cities were important in the development of the youth culture and part of what the media called "Golden Age of Spanish Pop".[1]


The "Movida viguesa" born in the oldest neighbourhood of Vigo (Casco Vello), after concerts in local bars like Angara, Kremlin o Satchmo[2][3]and the emergence of bands like, Bar, TrenVigo o Mari Cruz Soriano y los que afinan su piano, known after as Siniestro Total. The city lives the birth of many bands in different music styles: (punk, pop, techno, reggae, ska, funk), with lyrics influenced by Postmodernism, irreverent sense of humor and almost without any social commitment.[4]

Some bands from that era such as Golpes Bajos, Aerolíneas Federales, Os Resentidos or Semen Up had notorious success, but only Siniestro Total would be remain active until today and achieve success outside of Spain.[5]


  1. "La Edad de Oro del Pop Español". Retrieved 28 December 2014.
  2. "movida viguesa". Retrieved 28 December 2014.
  3. Faro de Vigo. "Cuando Vigo viva en el Kremlin". Retrieved 28 December 2014.
  4. "La Movida Viguesa de los 80. Madrid se escribe con V de Vigo. Documental.". YouTube. Retrieved 28 December 2014.
  5. La Opinión de A Coruña. "Siniestro Total: Somos una broma de 30 aos". Retrieved 28 December 2014.

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