Movement for Socialism (Honduras)

The Movement for Socialism (Spanish: Movimiento al Socialismo, abbreviated MAS) was a political movement in Honduras, active inside the Christian Democratic Party of Honduras (PDCH).[1][2][3] The split inside DC had begun to emerge in 1975.[2][1] MAS was constituted at the Sixth National Plenum of the party in March 1976.[1] MAS was founded by a younger generation within the PDCH, with leaders like José Antonio Cruz Oliva, Efraín Díaz Arrivillaga, Rodolfo Sorto Romero, Rafael Alegría, Oswaldo Discua, Juan Ramón Dermit, Melba Reyes and others.[3] Many of its leaders came from university-based organization.[1] Inside PDCH MAS confronted the "El Palo" faction for influence over the organization.[3]

MAS sought to replace the leaderships inside popular organizations linked to the Christian Democratic movement.[1] MAS activists founded the peasants organization Unión Nacional de Campesinos Auténticos de Honduras (UNCAH) in September 1977.[2]

The MAS tendency was expelled from the party at the Seventh National Plenum of the party.[1] Some MAS members, who had been expelled from PDCH, founded the Socialist Party (PASO) in November 1978.[2][4] The MAS split significantly weakened the PDCH.[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Edgardo Antonio Rodríguez (2010). Los partidos minoritarios en Honduras. Editorial Elena. p. 220. ISBN 978-99926-47-86-8.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Mario Posas (1981). El movimiento campesino hondureño: una perspectiva general. Editorial Guaymuras. p. 19.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Edgardo Antonio Rodríguez (2005). La izquierda hondureña en la década de los ochenta. Editorial Elena. p. 167. ISBN 978-99926-29-19-2.
  4. Martiniano Lombraña (1989). Historia de las organizaciones campesinas de Honduras. M. Lombraña. p. 30.
  5. Alcaraván. s.n. 1981. p. 5.