Mount Harriet National Park

Coordinates: 11°42′58″N 92°44′02″E / 11.7161°N 92.7339°E The Mount Harriet Island National Park is a national park located in Ferrargunj tehsil in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Union Territory of India. The park covers about 46.62 km² (18.00 mi²). Mount Harriet is the third highest peak in the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago next to Saddle peak and Mount Thullier and is named after Harriet Tytler, the second wife of Robert Christopher Tytler, a British soldier, naturalist and photographer, who was appointed officiating Superintendent of the Convict Settlement at Port Blair in the Andamans from April 1862 to February 1864.[1] Harriet is remembered for her work in documenting the monuments of Delhi and for her notes at the time of the Revolt of 1857 in India.[2]

The park is known for its Andaman wild pigs, saltwater crocodiles, turtles and robber crab.


  1. George Weber, Pioneer Biographies of the British Period to 1947 Appendix A Full text
  2. Dalrymple, William (2007). The Last Mughal: The Fall of a Dynasty, Delhi, 1857. New Delhi: Penguin Books India. p. 458.