
A moroi (sometimes moroii in modern fiction; pl. moroi) is a type of vampire or ghost in Romanian folklore. A female moroi is called a moroaică (pl. moroaice). In some versions, a moroi is a phantom of a dead person which leaves the grave to draw energy from the living.

Moroi are often associated with other figures in Romanian folklore, such as strigoi (another type of vampire), vârcolac (werewolf), or pricolici (werewolf). Moroi are also known as mortal vampires, whereas strigoi are immortal vampires.

They are also sometimes referred to in modern myth as the live-born offspring of two strigoi. It may signify an infant who died before being baptized. The origins of the term "moroi" are unclear, but it is thought by the Romanian Academy[1][2] to have possibly originated from the Old Slavonic word mora ("nightmare"). It also resembles the word mort (dead).

Moroi can also be forms of demons which possess a living body, usually the body of a bear. Moroi can be put under the control of a strigoi.

Fantasy fiction

The concept of "moroi" and "strigoi" have been fictionalized in novels, somewhat less often than traditional vampires.

See also


  1. Noul dicţionar explicativ al limbii Române, Bucharest: Litera Internaţional, 2002. ISBN 973-8358-04-3
    • moroi in Dicţionarul explicativ al limbii Române, Academia Românǎ, 1998