More William

More William
Author Richmal Crompton
Illustrator Thomas Henry
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Genre Children's literature
Publication date
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback) & Audio book
Followed by William Again

More William is the second William collection in the much acclaimed Just William series by Richmal Crompton. It is a sequel to the book Just William. The book was first published in 1922, with a current edition published in 2005 by Macmillan Children's books.


Like most of the William books it has no continuous narrative, but consists of separate independent short-stories. The stories are as follows:

William is given a book entitled Things a Boy Can Do and annoys his entire household by trying to carry out its instructions.

In order to impress the little girl next door, William attempts to steal cream blancmange from the household kitchen.

William befriends a mysterious stranger who claims to be a war veteran, but who is quite obviously a criminal.

A Quixote-esque tale in which "Sir William" and his faithful "squire" Ginger set out to rescue a "damsel in distress".

William takes up taxidermy as a hobby.

William has a rival for the affections of Joan.

William arranges a "psychic experience" for his cousin Mildred.

William is chosen as attendant to the May Queen in a school pageant, but he has bigger ambitions.

William takes revenge on his family by pretending to run away from home.

William "helps" the removal men when his family moves house.

Mr. Brown goes to the seaside for a "rest cure" but unfortunately has to endure William's company.

William is inspired to lead a better life, but decides not to start just yet!

A grown-up friend of William has his life made unendurable by a new neighbour.

William and Joan deliver a Christmas feast to a poor family.

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