Montenegrin cuisine

Foods from Montenegro

Montenegrin cuisine is a result of Montenegro's geographic position and its long history.


The traditional dishes of Montenegro's heartland, and its Adriatic coast have a distinctively Italian flavour which shows in the bread-making style, the way meat is cured and dried, cheese-making, wine, and spirits, the soup and stew (čorba) making style, polenta, stuffed peppers, meatballs, priganice (fritters), raštan, etc.

The second large influence came from the Levant and Turkey, largely via Serbia: sarma, musaka, pilav, pita, gibanica, burek, ćevapi, kebab, and Turkish sweets like baklava and tulumba, etc.

Hungarian dishes include goulash, sataraš, and đuveč, which are also very common.

Last but not least, Croatian cuisine made its mark mostly in the desserts department. Crêpes, doughnuts, jams, myriad types of biscuits and cakes, all make a contribution to the average Montenegrin's waist-line. Vienna-style bread is the most prevalent type of bread in the shops.

Montenegrin cuisine also varies geographically; the cuisine in the coastal area differs from the one in the northern highland region. The coastal area is traditionally a representative of Mediterranean cuisine, with seafood being a common dish.

Common dishes

Bread (Hljeb)

Homemade-style bread prepared in Montenegro is closest to what is known in Italy as Pane di Casa. It is served with every meal.



Montenegrin language distinguishes between a clear soup (supa, pronounced [ˈsupə]), a thick soup or stew (čorba, pronounced [ˈtʃɔrbə]), and a porridge-style dish (kaša, pronounced [ˈkəʃə]). Soups are usually served as the first course of dinner at mid-day:

Traditionally, after the broth is made, a handful of rice is added to the pot to make the soup more substantial. Nowadays, pasta took over as the preferred addition.

Main course

Seafood dishes


The most common salads served in Montenegrin homes:


A piece of seasonal fruit is the most common way to end the meal. The proper sweets are usually served on their own, around tea-time or at any time coffee is served.

Dairy products



Other dishes


Main course


Grill based dishes (Roštilj)



The most common non-alcoholic drink in Montenegrin homes is the famed pomegranate syrup. Turkish coffee is also almost unavoidable in any but the most brief meeting or a visit.

See also

External links