Monika Olejnik

Monika Olejnik

Monika Olejnik, formally Monika Wasowska (born November 21, 1956) is a Polish radio, newspaper and TV journalist.[1]

Daughter of Tadeusz Olejnik, Służba Bezpieczeństwa's officer at Ministry of Internal Affairs.[2] Her father's involvement with the communist regime in People's Republic of Poland has been brought up by right-leaning journalists questioning Olejnik's objectivity.[3][4] The questions have been raised regarding personal motives behind criticizing investigation of communist crimes undertaken in democratic Poland.[4]

She studied zoology at Warsaw University of Life Sciences. First she worked in Polish Radio I in a programme for farmers.[1]

During the Martial Law in 1982 she started working in then communist controlled Polish Radio III and stayed there until 2000. She became well known for her interviews with politicians and other public individuals in "Salon Polityczny Trójki" (Political Salon of Channel 3).[5] In TVN Television she worked on the programme "Kropka nad i" ("The final word").[6] Since September 2004 she was an interviewer for "Prosto w oczy" ("Straight in the eyes"), a programme on Polish Television Channel I.[7]
