Momentum trader


  1. (event-based): A day trader who makes trading decisions based on market volatility resulting from news or incidents happening in the course of a trading day.
  2. (technicals-based): A day trader who makes trading decisions based on the market being perceived by the trader as being higher or lower than expected.

Event based momentum trader

When the news breaks out, the market will usually become very volatile. The markets for affected stocks and other financial instruments generally swing a lot starting the moment the news comes out and potentially lasting for a few hours. During this time momentum traders try to make money making very rapid trades based on the values of those financial instruments fluctuating wildly. They need lightning fast execution to enable them to grasp these opportunities; the difference between success or failure may be determined in just a second. A delay of seconds to minutes, as is common in traditional online trading, would therefore not be acceptable to such traders.

Technicals based momentum trader

Technical analysis is the prediction by a day trader of a certain financial instrument being temporarily:

See also