Molly Walker

Molly Walker
Heroes character
First appearance "Don't Look Back"
Last appearance "I Am Become Death"
Portrayed by Adair Tishler
Aliases Ujala
Ability Clairvoyance

Molly Walker, portrayed by Adair Tishler, is a fictional character on the NBC science fiction drama series Heroes. She is a young girl with the power to locate anyone just by thinking about them.

Character appearances


Molly Walker is a little girl whose parents were murdered by Sylar, also stealing her father James Walker's power of freezing. She is discovered hiding at the crime scene by Matt Parkman's telepathy. Parkman later rescues her again from an abduction attempt by Sylar.

Later it is revealed that she is the Company's "Walker Tracking System", with the ability to locate anyone in the world by mere thought.[1] Her powers were inhibited by the same neuro-degrading virus that killed Shanti Suresh, and are restored when Mohinder Suresh cures the virus using antibodies found in his own blood. Mohinder later protects Molly from Bennet, who planned to kill her and disable the tracking system in order to protect Claire. Matt Parkman, with whom Molly seems to have a strong connection, promises that she will not be harmed, as he only agreed to help Bennet because he was under the impression that the "Walker Tracking System" was technology-based.


Matt later starts protecting Molly with the help of Mohinder.[2] Molly mentions that there is one person far worse than even Sylar (the nightmare man) whom she is afraid to locate: when she thinks about him, he can see her.[3] Because of that, she suffers from nightmares. When Matt uses his powers to listen in to one of the dreams, he hears a man's voice telling Molly that he can see her. He finds out later in "The Kindness of Strangers" that the voice inside of Molly's head is his father's. Matt asks Molly to find him and she gives Matt a complete address and apartment number. Matt's father retaliates by telepathically knocking her out and forcing her into an induced nightmare where she stays trapped inside her own mind.

In "Out of Time", Molly is rescued by Matt Parkman when he confronts his father within his nightmare world. As Matt reveals to his father his ability to manipulate the same dreams he can, Parkman traps his father within his very own nightmare, and he and Molly escape from the nightmare world.

In the end of "Truth & Consequences", Sylar and Maya have arrived Mohinder's apartment where Molly was staying; he calls Mohinder and tells him to come over to help Maya and him in exchange of Molly.

In "Powerless", after a confrontation between Sylar and Mohinder, Maya learns who Sylar really is, and activates her power, which also affects Molly, and Sylar convinces her to stop on behalf of her. Once in Reed Street Laboratory, while being held as hostages by Sylar, Molly offers Maya to find her brother, but she cannot because he is nowhere to be found, understanding he is already dead. After Maya revived with Claire's blood, Elle Bishop enters the place and makes Sylar run away, saving Molly, Mohinder and Maya from him.


In "The Second Coming", Mohinder mentions to Maya Herrera that he dropped Molly off at an airport, having sent her to India to live with his mother.[4]

It was intended for Molly to make another appearance, Arthur Petrelli having used his telepathy on Mohinder to find her. Arthur was to steal her ability, eventually using it to locate Claire and Hiro in the past. Though the scene was filmed, it was cut because it seemed too "disturbing".[5][6]


In the graphic novel "Rebellion, Part 6: Lost And Found", she seems to be going by the name Ujala (light) and living quiet and peacefully in India together with grandma Suresh, but the 'Rebel' team arrives and asks her to come with them and help finding missing posthumans. After being convinced by Mrs. Suresh, she guides 'Rebel' to Pittsburgh, where they find a train transporting sedated posthumans. Once inside, they manage to free Claude and Lee, but Micah and Abigail got trapped while Molly stayed hidden, so she can help them later. Once the train starts moving, West and Sparrow managed to stop it by derailing it, allowing Molly to free everyone trapped in the train. Micah ask Molly to find West and Sparrow, but instead she finally found the location of Monica.

In "Rebellion, Part 7: The Liberation Of Saint Joan", Micah aggressively tries to make Molly talk, but she cries telling him how selfish he is for using everyone just to find Monica because she knows he will leave her aside. Finally, Molly reveals Micah her location but with the warning that Sylar will be close enough to kill him. Without hesitation, Micah leads the "Rebellion" team to Washington D.C., leaving the safety of Molly to Claude.


In the graphic novel "Second Chances", Mohinder asks Molly to find Mira once he returned India; Molly finds her being held hostage by someone interested in Mohinder's research. Molly depicts herself to be more mature now ("I've grown up since you saw me last.").

Powers and abilities

Molly describes her power as the ability to "find people". By thinking of someone, Molly can psychically determine their exact location fairly quickly and can point out their location on a map. She also receives psychic visions of the person's surroundings. The full extent of her power and what it can locate, beyond people, has not been revealed; Adair Tishler stated in an interview with Entertainment Weekly that Molly's ability is to "find anyone or anything".[7] Those with telepathic powers, namely Maury Parkman, can detect and resist her attempts to locate them. Maury, dubbed the "Nightmare Man" by Molly because of this, can even affect Molly's mind if she attempts to track him. As seen in "Powerless", she can only find people who are alive, as she unsuccessfully tries to find Maya's dead brother.

Alternate futures


Character development and conception

In a December 2007 interview with World Balloon podcast, Jesse Alexander and Jeph Loeb stated that they originally brought Adair on the show with the idea that they would use her again later down the line, but not knowing exactly when. Then the idea came about in the writer's room to have the Company's tracking system be a physical person, the idea of Molly Walker and Adair Tishler came into the forefront. Jeph Loeb stated that he really hoped that Adair could act, because she did not have a speaking part in the first couple of episodes that she guest starred in, and that if Tishler could not act, then they were in for it. Fortunately, Loeb and Alexander both commented that Tishler did an excellent job, and she was brought on into a bigger role in season two, with the production staff considering promoting her to a series regular in the future.[8]


External links