Mitsuo Matayoshi

Mitsuo Matayoshi

Mitsuo Matayoshi (又吉 光雄 Matayoshi Mitsuo, also, Iesu Matayoshi) is a Japanese political activist, known for his perennial candidacy. He styles himself The only God Matayoshi Mitsuo Jesus Christ (唯一神又吉光雄・イエス・キリスト) or Jesus Matayoshi (又吉イエス) ("Iesu" is the Japanese pronunciation of the Latin pronunciation of "Jesus".). He is the leader of the World Economic Community Party (世界経済共同体党).[1]

He was born in Ginowan, Okinawa on February 5, 1944. After graduating from Chuo University in Tokyo in 1968, he moved back to Okinawa and ran a juku, a private school. Matayoshi was trained as a Protestant preacher, and through his religious studies developed a particular concept of Christianity strongly influenced by eschatology. In 1997, he established the World Economic Community Party (世界経済共同体党), a political party based on his conviction that he is God. His concept is both religious and political, a mix of Christian eschatology like Augustine's De civitate Dei ("City of God") and conservative collectivism.

Political program

According to his program he will do the Last Judgment as Christ but within the current political system. His first step is to be appointed the Prime Minister of Japan. Then he will reform Japanese society and be offered the post of the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Then Matayoshi will reign over the whole world with two legitimate authorities, not only religious but also political. The world economic system will be altered to encourage every nation to be self-sufficient, based on agriculture. He accuses permanent residency and naturalization of foreigners because abandonment of their motherland is wrong. He wants ethnically non-Japanese people to go back to their ancestral homeland even if they are born in Japan. He wants the USA to withdraw its army from all overseas positions, including Okinawa. After his Judgment he will throw the corrupt into the Fire (see Book of Revelation).


Matayoshi has presented himself in many elections from 1997 through to 2013, but he has not won yet. He has become well known for his eccentric campaigns where he urges opponents to commit suicide by hara-kiri (disembowelment; note that he avoids the more polite seppuku) and says that he will cast them into Gehenna. Like most Japanese politicians, he campaigns in a single small regulation size mini-van fitted with oversized loudspeakers. Unlike most, however, he blasts his campaign slogans in a stylized, kabuki-inspired voice.

Unsuccessful candidacies

See also


  1. "From One God to the UFO Party, eccentric election campaigners are out of this world - Mainichi Daily News". Mainichi Daily News. 27 October 2005. Archived from the original on 27 October 2005. Retrieved 19 March 2012.

External links