Miss Iceland

Names of contestants are Icelandic names, usually not a family names. That is patronymic (in rare cases matronymic or both such as with a hypen), then for females ending in "dóttir" meaning "daughter (of)". Sometimes family names are used or both systems, however Icelandic persons is properly referred to by the given names. For unusual letters see: Icelandic alphabet for transliteration and pronunciation.
Ungfrú Ísland
Formation 1950
Type Beauty Pageant
Headquarters Reykjavík
Miss World
Official language
Arnar Laufdal Ólafsson
Website Official Website

Miss Iceland (Icelandic: Ungfrú Ísland) is the annual national beauty contest of Iceland. The winner competes in Miss World.


The competition has been carried out since 1950; in the first year it was called Miss Reykjavík (Ungfrú Reykjavík). Since 1955, the contest has taken place under the current name Miss Iceland.

In the past, contest winners gained the right to represent Iceland in Miss Universe, Miss World or Miss International. As of 2009, the winner goes on to compete in Miss World.[1] Runners-up go to Miss Universe, Miss International and Miss Earth.[1][2]

There are six regional preliminary contests in each of the five rural regions and in the capital Reykjavík. 20 to 24 candidates, three to four from each region, take part in the finals.

Iceland is one of the most successful countries at the Miss World pageant with three victories, a record for a nation with a population of less than half million people.

The current owner of the pageant is Arnar Laufdal Ólafsson.

2013 applicants

Rafn Rafnsson, the new chief executive of the Miss Iceland contest, "in hopes of diversifying the field of contestants beyond the statuesque blonde with striking blue eyes that has become the Icelandic stereotype", said "There is no Miss Iceland stereotype..."[3][4][5] One week later, in response to Rafnsson's statement, 1,300 people applied to become Miss Iceland,[4][5] including several nontraditional candidates, such as:

In response to the increase of nontraditional applicants, Rafnsson said, "We have to follow the rules set by the international contest."[4][5] This "means rejecting any applicants younger than 18 or older than 24. In addition to the age limits, contestants must be unmarried, childless and, of course, female."[4][5] Íris Telma Jonsdóttir, Iceland's 2012 Miss World contestant, "has the unfortunate job of sifting through applications for the coming Miss Iceland contest and the publicity stirred by feminists has even sparked an abnormally high influx of legitimate hopefuls. That means she has a lot more reading to do before selecting the field of 25 women who will actually compete for a chance to move on to Miss World."[4][5]


YearMiss IcelandNotes
1955 Arna Hjörleifsdóttir
1956 Ágústa Guðmundsdóttir
1957 Bryndís Schram
1958 Sigríður Þorvaldsdóttir
1959 Sigríður Geirsdóttir
1960 Sigrún Ragnarsdóttir
1961 María Guðmundsdóttir
1962 Guðrún Bjarnadóttir Miss International 1963
1963 Thelma Ingvarsdóttir
1964 Pálína Jónmundsdóttir
1965 Sigrún Vignisdóttir
1966 Kolbrún Einarsdóttir
1967 Guðrún Pétursdóttir
1968 Jónína Konráðsdóttir
1969 María Baldursdóttir
1970 Erna Jóhannesdóttir
1971 Guðrún Valgarðsdóttir
1972 Þórunn Símonardóttir
1973 Katrin Gisladóttir
1974 Anna Björnsdóttir
1975 Helga Eldon Jónsdóttir
1976 Guðmunda Jóhannesdóttir
1977 Kristjana Þráinsdóttir Dethroned
Anna Eðvarðsdóttir Successor
1978 Halldóra Jónsdóttir
1979 Kristín Bernharðsdóttir
1980 Elisabet Traustadóttir
1982 Guðrún Möller
1983 Unnur Steinsson
1984 Berglind Johansen
1985 Hólmfríður Karlsdóttir Miss World 1985
1986 Gígja Birgisdóttir
1987 Anna Margrét Jónsdóttir
1988 Linda Pétursdóttir Miss World 1988
1989 Hugrún Guðmundsdóttir
1990 Ásta Sigríður Einarsdóttir
1991 Svava Haraldsdóttir
1992 María Rún Hafliðadóttir
1993 Svala Björk Arnardóttir
1994 Margrét Skúladóttir Sigurz
1995 Hrafnhildur Hafsteinsdóttir
1996 Sólveig Guðmundsdóttir
1997 Harpa Harðardóttir
1998 Guðbjörg Hermannsdóttir
1999 Katrín Baldursdóttir
2000 Elín Magnúsdóttir
2001 Ragnheiður Guðnadóttir
2002 Manuela Ósk Harðardóttir Withdrew at Miss Universe 2003
2003 Ragnhildur Steinunn Jónsdóttir
2004 Hugrún Harðardóttir
2005 Unnur Birna Vilhjálmsdóttir Miss World 2005
2006 Sif Aradóttir
2007 Jóhanna Vala Jónsdóttir
2008 Alexandra Ívarsdóttir
2009 Guðrún Dögg Rúnarsdóttir
2010 Fanney Ingvarsdóttir
2011 Sigrún Eva Ármannsdóttir
2013 Tanja Astþórsdóttir

Lists of Miss Iceland representatives at International pageants

Color key
  •      Declared as Winner
  •      Ended as runner-up
  •      Ended as one of the finalists or semifinalists

Beginning in 1955, the Miss Iceland Organization sends its winner or sometimes runner-up to the Miss Universe and Miss World pageants. In addition due to lack sponsorship of the local pageant, Iceland stopped to participate at the Miss Universe pageant since 2010. Iceland also participates at other International competitions such as Miss International and Miss Supranational pageants in under Queen of Scandinavia - Iceland Organization. Meanwhile for Miss International, before 2013 left, Miss International Iceland winners were selected by winner or 1st Runner-up of Miss Iceland contest.

Year Miss Universe Miss World Miss International Miss Supranational
2014 Tanja Yr Ástporsdóttir Pebbles Jimsdottir
2013 Sigríður Dagbjört Ásgeirsdóttir[7] Sigrún Eva Ármannsdóttir
(Top 15)
Fanney Ingvarsdóttir
2012 Íris Telma Jónsdóttir Sigrún Eva Ármannsdóttir
(Top 20)
2011 Sigrún Eva Ármannsdóttir Guðræun Dögg Rúnarsdóttir
(Top 20)
2010 Fanney Ingvarsdóttir Anita Hjartardóttir
2009 Ingibjörg Egilsdóttir
(Top 15)
Guðrún Dögg Rúnarsdóttir
2008 Alexandra Ívarsdóttir
(Top 15)
(Miss Sport)
2007 Jóhanna Vala Jónsdóttir
2006 Sif Aradóttir Ásdís Hallgrímsdóttir
2005 Unnur Birna Vilhjálmsdóttir
(Miss World 2005)
(Queen of Europe)
2004 Hugrún Harðardóttir Halldóra Rut Bjarnadóttir
2003 Regína Jónsdóttir
2001 Kolbrún Pálina Helgadóttir Íris Dögg Orsdóttir
2000 Elva Dögg Melsted Anna Lilja Björnsdóttir
1999 Katrín Baldursdóttir Ásbjörg Kristinsdóttir
1998 Guðbjörg Hermannsdóttir
1997 Sólveig Guðmundsdóttir
1996 Hrafnhildur Hafsteinsdóttir Auður Geirsdóttir
1995 Margrét Skúladóttir Sigurz Aðalheidur Guðmundsdóttir
(Top 15)
1994 Svala Arnardóttir Birna Bragadóttir
1993 Maria Rún Hafliðadóttir Guðrún Hreiðarsdóttir
1992 Svava Haraldsdóttir María Rún Hafliðadóttir Thorunn Larusdóttir
(Top 15)
1991 Dís Sigurgeirsdóttir Svava Haraldsdóttir Sólveig Kristjánsdóttir
1990 Hildur Dungal Ásta Sigríður Einarsdóttir Thordis Steinunn Steinsdóttir
1989 Guðbjörg Gissurardóttir Hugrún Linda Guðmundsdóttir Guðrún Eyjólfsdóttir
(Top 15)
1988 Anna Margret Jónsdóttir Linda Pétursdóttir
(Miss World 1988)
(Queen of Europe)
Guðbjörg Gissurardóttir
(Top 15)
1987 Anna Margrét Jónsdóttir
(2nd Runner-up)
Magnea Lovísa Magnúsdóttir
1986 Þóra Þrastardóttir Gígja Birgisdóttir Ragna Sæmundsdóttir
1985 Halla Bryndis Jónsdóttir Hólmfríður Karlsdóttir
(Miss World 1985)
(Queen of Europe)
Anna Margrét Jónsdóttir
(Top 15)
1984 Berglind Johansen Berglind Johansen
(Top 15)
Guðlaug Stella Brynjólfsdóttir
(Top 15)
1983 Unnur Steinsson Unnur Steinsson
(4th Runner-up)
Steinunn Johanna Bergmann
1982 Guðrún Möller María Björk Sverrisdóttir
1981 Elísabet Traustadóttir Ásdís Eva Hannesdóttir
1980 Guðbjörg Sigurðardóttir
(Top 12)
1979 Halldóra Jónsdóttir Sigrún Sætran[8] Sigrún Björk Sverrisdóttir
1978 Anna Edwards Ásdís Loftsdóttir Sigurlaug Halldórsdóttir
1977 Kristjana Þráinsdóttir
(FIRED after competing at MU 1977)
Sigurlaug Halldórsdóttir Gudrun Helgadóttir
1976 Guðmunda Jóhannesdóttir Sigríður Helga Olgeirsdóttir Sigrún Sævarsdóttir
1975 Helga Eldon Jónsdóttir Halldóra Björk Jónsdóttir Thorbjorg Gardarsdóttir
1974 Anna Björnsdóttir
(Miss Photogenic)
Thorunn Stefánsdóttir
1973 Nína Breiðfjörd Helga Eldon Jónsdóttir
(2nd Runner-up)
1972 María Kristín Jóhannesdóttir Rósa Helgadóttir Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir
1971 Guðrún Valgarðsdóttir Fanney Bjarnadóttir Matthildur Gudmundsdóttir
1970 Erna Jóhannesdóttir Anna Hansdóttir Erla Hardardóttir
(Top 15)
1969 María Baldursdóttir Ragnheiður Pétursdóttir Helen Knutsdóttir
1968 Helen Knuttsdóttir
1967 Guðrún Pétursdóttir Hrefna Steinþórsdóttir Kolbrún Einarsdóttir
1966 Erla Traustadóttir Auður Harðardóttir
1965 Bára Magnúsdóttir Sigrún Vignisdóttir Rosa Einarsdóttir
1964 Thelma Ingvarsdóttir Rósa Einarsdóttir Elisabeth Sigridur Ottosdóttir
1963 Theódóra Þórðardóttir María Ragnarsdóttir Guðrún Bjarnadóttir
(Miss International 1963)
1962 Anna Geirsdóttir
(1st Runner-up)
Rannveig Ólafsdóttir María Guðmundsdóttir
(Top 15)
1961 Kristjana Magnúsdóttir
(Top 15)
Jóhanna Kolbrún Kristjánsdóttir Sigrún Ragnarsdóttir
(4th Runner-up)
1960 Svanhildur Jakobsdóttir Kristín Þorvaldsdóttir Sigríður Geirsdóttir
(Top 15)
(Miss Photogenic)
1959 Sigurbjörg Sveinsdóttir
1958 Sigríður Þorvaldsdóttir
(Top 15)
Hjördís Sigurvinsdóttir
1957 Bryndís Schram Rúna Brynjólfdóttir
1956 Guðlaug Guðmundsdóttir Ágústa Guðmundsdóttir
1955 Arna Hjörleifsdóttir

Best results

Pageant Year Placement
Miss Universe 1962 1st Runner-up
Miss World 1985, 1988, 2005 Winner[3]
Miss International 1963 Winner[3]
Miss Europe 1978, 1988, 1990, 1992 2nd place

Pageant Notes


  1. 1.0 1.1 ungfruisland.is/umkeppnina.php?lang=is, „Upplýsingar um keppnina“, skoðað 25. maí 2007
  2. Here comes Iceland's first Miss Earth delegate
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 "MP signs up for Miss Iceland Beauty Contest". News of Iceland. 14 July 2013. Retrieved 1 August 2013.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 JERVELL, ELLEN EMMERENTZE (26 July 2013). "Miss Iceland Gets a Chilly Reception From Feminists". Barrons Online. Retrieved 1 August 2013.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 JERVELL, ELLEN EMMERENTZE (July 26, 2013). "Miss Iceland Gets a Chilly Reception From Feminists". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 1 August 2013.
  6. 6.0 6.1 "Large and Hairy Feminists flock to sign up for Miss Iceland contest". News of Iceland. 15 June 2013. Retrieved 1 August 2013.
  7. "Sigridur Dagbjort Asgeirsdottir Appointed Miss World Iceland 2013". 20 August 2013. Retrieved 21 October 2013.
  8. http://timarit.is/view_page_init.jsp?issId=228164&lang=gl

External links