Miss Brazil World

Miss Brazil World
Formation 1958
Type Beauty Pageant
Headquarters Rio de Janeiro
Miss World
Official language
MMB Produções e Eventos
Key people
Henrique Fontes
Website missmundobrasil.com.br/

Miss Brazil World (or Miss Mundo Brasil, in Portuguese) is a traditional beauty contest held annually which aims to choose the best candidate for it to represent their country with honor in the traditional international Miss World contest[1] The Brazilian representatives began to be sent from the year 1958, with girl from Pernambuco Sonia Maria Campos. Since 2004 who manages the sending of representatives to the international event is the team led by Henrique Fontes. The country has so far only an international crown, obtained with Lúcia Tavares Petterle in 1971.


Different Methods

Miss Brazil World 2013 and Miss World 2013 Finalist, Sancler Frantz.

For many years the Brazilian representatives at Miss World were the second and third placed in Miss Brazil Universe, a fact that occurred from 1958 to 1980 and from 1998 to 2005. Between 1981-1997, the Brazilian representative at the event was elected in a different contest of Miss Brazil Universe.[2]


The event strives for originality and socio-environmental responsibility and was the first national beauty contest large to include in their official activities proofs of talent, sports and fashion, and encourage the practice of philanthropy (Beauty with a Purpose).

All this without counting the privilege and responsibility of representing Brazil - all their culture and biodiversity - at Miss World, who is currently considered the major beauty pageant on the planet, as pioneered worldwide, having its first edition held in 1951. Until the 2000s was due to the direction of the entrepreneur Erick Morley, was then passed to his wife, who currently heads, Julia Morley.

New Organization

In 2006, due to discontent on the part of the Miss World Organization to the organization that promoted the contest in Brazil that sent second in the national competition for the event was a change of coordination and Brazilian representative in the contest came to be chosen from contest different from Miss Brazil.

The event is now held by the company MMB Beauty Promotions & Events. The new organization has made several changes in the competition modeled after the Miss World with the inclusion of qualifying races Fast Tracks and the inclusion of islands and steps in international competition.[3]


Year Miss Mundo Brasil Represented Venue
2004 Iara Coelho  Minas Gerais Credicard Hall, São Paulo, SP
2005 Patrícia Reginato  Paraná Copacabana Palace, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
2006 Jane Borges  Goiás Auditório Canal da Música, Curitiba, PR
2007 Regiane Andrade  Santa Catarina Teatro Municipal da Barueri, Barueri, SP
2008 Tamara Almeida  Minas Gerais Hotel Novo Frade, Angra dos Reis, RJ
2009 Luciana Reis  Roraima Hotel Novo Frade, Angra dos Reis, RJ
2010 Kamilla Salgado  Pará Hotel Novo Frade, Angra dos Reis, RJ
2011 Juceila Bueno  Rio Grande do Sul Hotel Novo Frade, Angra dos Reis, RJ
2012 Mariana Notarângelo  Rio de Janeiro Estúdios da TV Pampa, Porto Alegre, RS
2013 Sancler Frantz Ilha dos Lobos Portobello Resort & Safari, Mangaratiba, RJ
2014 Julia Gama  Rio Grande do Sul Costão do Santinho Resort, Florianópolis, SC

Titles by State

Titles States Victories
8  Rio Grande do Sul 1969, 1977, 1984, 1985, 1991, 1997, 2011, 2014
7  Rio de Janeiro 1961, 1962, 1963, 1971, 1983, 1999, 2012
6  Paraná 1967, 1982, 1990, 1994, 1995, 2005
6  São Paulo 1970, 1972, 1979, 1981, 1992, 2001
5  Minas Gerais 1965, 1968, 1973, 2004, 2008
4  Santa Catarina 1986, 2000, 2002, 2007
4  Pernambuco 1958, 1959, 1960, 1987
3  Distrito Federal 1974, 1976, 1980
2  Goiás 2003, 2006
2  Bahia 1975, 1978
1  Pará 2010
 Roraima 2009
 Rondônia 1998
 Espírito Santo 1996
 Alagoas 1993
 Mato Grosso 1966
 Sergipe 1964

Titles by Island

Titles Islands Victories
01 Ilha dos Lobos 2013

Brazilian representatives at International pageants

Representatives to Miss World

Color key
  •      Declared as Winner
  •      Ended as runner-up
  •      Ended as one of the finalists or semifinalists

The winner of Miss Mundo Brasil represents her country at Miss World. On occasion, when the winner does not qualify (due to age) for either contest, a runner-up is sent.

Year Miss Mundo Brazil Represented Placement Special awards
United Kingdom 2014 Julia Weissheimer Werlang Gama Rio Grande do Sul Top 11 Beauty with a Purpose (Winner)
Indonesia 2013 Sancler Frantz Könzen Ilha dos Lobos Top 6 Queen of Americas
Beach Fashion (Winner)
China 2012 Mariana Notarângelo da Fonsêca Rio de Janeiro Top 7 Queen of Americas
United Kingdom 2011 Juceila Graziele Bueno Rio Grande do Sul Top 31
China 2010 Kamilla Ghabrise Rodrigues Salgado Pará
South Africa 2009 Luciana Sílvia de Souza Reis Roraima Top 16
South Africa 2008 Tamara Almeida da Silva Minas Gerais Top 16
China 2007 Regiane Andrade Baechtold Santa Catarina
Poland 2006 Jane Sousa Borges de Oliveira Goiás Top 6 Queen of Americas
China 2005 Patrícia Reginato Neuenfeldt Paraná
China 2004 Iara Maria Resende Azevedo Coelho Minas Gerais
China 2003 Lara Andressa de Brito Goiás
United Kingdom 2002 Taíza Thömsen Severina Santa Catarina
South Africa 2001 Joyce Yara da Silva Aguiar São Paulo
United Kingdom 2000 Francine Eickemberg Cruz Santa Catarina
United Kingdom 1999 Paula de Souza Carvalho Rio de Janeiro
Seychelles 1998 Adriana Luci de Souza Reis Rondônia Top 15 Miss Photogenic
Seychelles 1997 Fernanda Rambo Agnes Rio Grande do Sul
India 1996 Anuska Valéria Prado Espírito Santo 2nd Runner-up Best National Costume
South Africa 1995 Elessandra Cristina Dartora Paraná
South Africa 1994 Valquiria Melnik Blicharski Dalagnol Paraná
South Africa 1993 Lyliá Virna Menezes Soriano Alagoas
South Africa 1992 Priscila Maria Furlan São Paulo
United States 1991 Cátia Silene Kupssinskü Rio Grande do Sul
United Kingdom 1990 Karla Cristina Kwiatkowski Paraná
United Kingdom 1987 Simone Augusto Costa Pernambuco
United Kingdom 1986 Roberta Pereira da Silva Santa Catarina
United Kingdom 1985 Leila Rosana Leal Bittencourt Rio Grande do Sul Top 15
United Kingdom 1984 Adriana Alves de Oliveira Rio Grande do Sul Top 6
United Kingdom 1983 Cátia Silveira Pedrosa Rio de Janeiro 2nd Runner-up Miss Personality
United Kingdom 1982 Mônica Januzzi Paraná
United Kingdom 1981 Maristela Silva Grazzia São Paulo Top 6
United Kingdom 1980 Loiane Rogéria Aiache Distrito Federal
United Kingdom 1979 Léa Silvia Dall'ácqua São Paulo Top 6
United Kingdom 1978 Laura Angélica Viana de Oliveira Pereira Bahia
United Kingdom 1977 Madalena Sbaraini Rio Grande do Sul Top 6
United Kingdom 1976 Adelaide Fraga de Oliveira Filha Distrito Federal
United Kingdom 1975 Zaída Souza Costa Bahia
United Kingdom 1974 Marisa Sommer Distrito Federal Top 15
United Kingdom 1973 Florence Gambogi Alvarenga Minas Gerais Top 15
United Kingdom 1972 Ângela Maria Favi † São Paulo
United Kingdom 1971 Lúcia Tavares Petterle Rio de Janeiro Miss World 1971
United Kingdom 1970 Sônia Yara Guerra São Paulo Top 6
United Kingdom 1969 Ana Cristina Rodrigues Rio Grande do Sul
United Kingdom 1968 Ângela Carmélia Stecca Minas Gerais
United Kingdom 1967 Wilza de Oliveira Rainato Paraná
United Kingdom 1966 Marlucci Manvailler Rocha Mato Grosso Top 6
United Kingdom 1965 Berenice Lunardi Minas Gerais
United Kingdom 1964 Maria Isabel de Avelar Elias Sergipe Top 6
United Kingdom 1963 Vera Lúcia Ferreira Maia Guanabara Top 15
United Kingdom 1962 Vera Lúcia Saba Guanabara
United Kingdom 1961 Alda Maria Coutinho de Morais Guanabara
United Kingdom 1960 Maria Edilene Torreão Pernambuco Top 15
United Kingdom 1959 Dione Brito de Oliveira Pernambuco
United Kingdom 1958 Sônia Maria Campos Pernambuco Top 7[5]

Fast Track Events

Representatives to Miss Supranational

Traditionally the second title of Miss Mundo Brasil will be crowning as Miss Supranational Brazil winner.
Since 2014 the official candidate will be selecting by separate pageant. It called as Miss Supranational Brazil pageant.

Year Miss Supranational Brazil Represented Placement Special awards
Poland 2014 Adriana "Milla" Vieira Bahia Unplaced
Belarus 2013 Raquel de Oliveira Benetti Espírito Santo Top 20 Queen of Americas
Poland 2012 Mariane Silvestre Vicente Sergipe Unplaced
Poland 2011 Suymara Barreto Parreira Tocantins Top 20 Best National Costume
Poland 2010 Luciana Sílvia de Souza Reis Roraima Top 20
Poland 2009 Karine Louise Osório Píres Acre Top 15 Queen of Americas

Representatives to Miss United Continent

Year Miss United Continent Brazil Represented Placement Special awards
Ecuador 2014 Camila Andrade Nantes Mato Grosso do Sul Top 10
Ecuador 2013 Thainara Cristina Latenik Santa Catarina Unplaced
Ecuador 2012 Camila de Lima Serakides Tocantins Miss Continente Americano 2012
Ecuador 2011 Danielle Knidel Soares Acre Top 6
Ecuador 2010 Marylia Bernardt Lila Paraná 2nd Runner-up Miss Congeniality
Ecuador 2009 Denise Ribeiro Aliceral Distrito Federal 1st Runner-up
Ecuador 2008 Cyntia Cordeiro e Souza Goiás Top 6
Ecuador 2007 Vivian Noronha Cia Paraná Top 6 Miss Photogenic
Ecuador 2006 Juliana Pina Mendonça Bahia Unplaced

Representatives to Miss Grand International

Year Miss Grand Brazil Placement Special awards Notes
Thailand 2015 Vitória Longaray Strada TBD 2nd place at Miss World Brazil 2014
Thailand 2014 Yameme Faiçal lbrahim Top 20 Top 25 Best in Swimsuit Elected by national pageant
Thailand 2013 Tamara da Costa Bicca Top 10 Top 20 Best in Swimsuit 7th place at Miss World Brazil 2013

External links


  1. "Miss Mundo Brasil : Info". Angelopedia.com. Retrieved 6 November 2014.
  2. "Miss Mundo Brasil : Hall Of Fame". Angelopedia.com. Retrieved 5 November 2014.
  3. Miss World 1958 Result