Minchat Chinuch

Minchat Chinuch (Hebrew: מנחת חינוך) is a legal commentary on the Sefer ha-Chinuch. It was written by Yosef Babad ("Rabbeinu Yosef"; 1800–1874), Av Beit Din of Ternopil. The Sefer Ha-Chinuch systematically discusses the 613 commandments of the Torah, their Biblical source, and philosophical underpinnings - while the Minchat Chinuch serves as a legal commentary through the perspective of the Talmud and Rishonim.[1] Minchat Chinuch is widely studied in Yeshivas and in private study groups, and remains popular to this day.

The work is noted for its technique of isolating legal concepts through the use of exotic test cases such as whether a hermaphrodite is obligated in the mitzvah of "be fruitful and multiply." This feature of the book makes it a useful starting point in conceptual analysis of talmudic topics.


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