Millicent Min, Girl Genius

Millicent Min, Girl Genius
Author Lisa Yee
Country United States
Language Englis
Genre Children's novel
Publisher Arthur A. Levine Books
Publication date
October 1, 2003
Media type Print
Pages 256 pp (hardcover)
ISBN 0-439-34257-0
OCLC 51009159
LC Class PZ7.H62964 Ki 2004

Millicent Min, Girl Genius is a 2003 children's novel by Lisa Yee. The author's first published book, it is about a girl genius named Millicent Min who attends high school in the fictional town of Rancho Rosetta, California. This young girl has a lot of trouble in her social circle. She is an 11-year-old genius but she has no friends. To make things worse, she has to go for volleyball. She also has to tutor her arch enemy Stanford Wong who almost flunked sixth grade. Then Millicent meets nice Emily Ebers, a fellow volleyball victim, but thinks that to become her friend she has to hide the fact that she is smart.

In the companion books, Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time and So Totally Emily Ebers, this situation is shown from the other children's points of view.

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