Military Academy of the Bolivarian Navy

Military Academy of the Bolivarian Navy
Academia Militar de la Armada Bolivariana

Logo of the AMEB.
Motto Independencia y Patria Socialista... Viviremosy Venceremos
Motto in English
Independence and Socialist Fatherland... We will live and overcome.
Type Military
Parent institution
Bolivarian Military University of Venezuela
Location Caracas, Venezuela
Affiliations Armed Forces of Venezuela

The Military Academy of the Bolivarian Navy (in Spanish Academia Militar de la Armada Bolivariana), is an academy to train members of the Bolivarian Navy of Venezuela.


The mission of the Military Academy of the Bolivarian Navy is:[1]

To train naval cadet through a comprehensive process, with solid leadership principles, ethical, moral, responsibility and relevance, optimal mental and physical conditions, knowing naval scenarios geostrategic domain of computer systems and high technology, allow to obtain a professional profile mentions Fleet and Marine Corps upon graduation, to serve as an Officer of the Navy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.


At the end of the training process, the naval cadet graduated as an Officer of the Navy, the military rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.


  1. "Visión y Misión". Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Defensa. Retrieved 8 July 2014.