Mighty (card game)

Mighty is a card game invented in the 1970s by Korean college students. Mighty is mostly played by Korean students, and also by some groups in North America. It is usually played by five people, but the rules can be modified so that it could be played by four or six people. It is a point-trick game with bidding. It is similar to the card game Spades, but has more rules and, therefore, more strategies in playing. Mighty is also similar to Rook and Japanese Napoleon (not to be confused with British Napoleon).

Terms about mighty


Mighty is most powerful card in this game, and it's usually Ace of spades. But, if president declares giruda spade, mighty becomes diamond A.

President(korean:주공,ju-gong,main attacker)

Before start the game, players declares points and Giruda. Who declares highest points be a president.


Before choosing the president, players declares Giruda, shape of cards, which would be more powerful cards than others except for mighty and joker. After choosing president, Giruda becames the shape that president has declared. For example, if president declared Giruda is clover, then clover-shaped card becomes more powerful than any other shape of card.

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