Mid-Atlantic District (BHS)

The Mid-Atlantic District is one of 17 districts of the Barbershop Harmony Society[1] (formerly known as SPEBSQSA or the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America). The district has approximately 94 chapters in the following states: VA, MD, PA, NJ, DE, DC, WV, NY.[2]

The BHS District Map. The Carolinas have since separated to their own district.

Notable choruses



New Jersey

Brothers in Harmony – Hamilton Square, NJ (2013 6th place International Finalists)

New York



Washington, D.C.

Notable quartets

See also


  1. "The 17 Districts of the Barbershop Harmony Society". Barbership Harmony Society. Retrieved December 8, 2012.
  2. "Chapter Search". Mid-Atlantic District BHS. Retrieved December 8, 2012.

External links