Michael Zimmer (academic)

Michael Zimmer is a privacy and social media scholar. He currently is an associate professor in the School of Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, and director of the Center for Information Policy Research.[1] Zimmer serves on the executive committee of the Association of Internet Researchers,[2] and is on the advisory board of the Future of Privacy Forum.[3] He was the Microsoft Resident Fellow at the Information Society Project at Yale Law School from 2007-2008.[4]

Zimmer was featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education for his research criticizing the research ethics of a Harvard-sponsored research project that harvested Facebook profiles of an entire cohort of undergraduate students.[5] He has also appeared on the National Public Radio shows Science Friday[6] and Morning Edition,[7] as well as in the New York Times and other media outlets.[8] Zimmer appeared in the "Is My Cellphone Spying On Me?" commentary accompanying the DVD release of Eagle Eye [9]

On October 25, 2013, Zimmer announced "The Zuckerberg Files", a digital archive of all public utterances of Facebook's founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg.[10][11] Zimmer published a critique of Mark Zuckerberg in The Washington Post to commemorate Facebook's 10th anniversary.[12]


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