Michael Fullilove
Dr Michael Fullilove is executive director of the Lowy Institute for International Policy, a foreign policy think tank located in Sydney.
He is the author of Rendezvous with Destiny: How Franklin D. Roosevelt and Five Extraordinary Men Took America into the War and into the World (2013), which won the 2014 New South Wales Premier's Literary Award for Non-Fiction. He is also the editor of a new revised edition of Men and Women of Australia! Our Greatest Modern Speeches (2014)
Fullilove writes widely on global issues and Australian foreign policy. In addition to longer-form research for the Lowy Institute, his writing appears in publications including The Australian,[1] The Australian Financial Review,[2] The Daily Beast,[3] The Financial Times,[4] Foreign Affairs,[5] Foreign Policy,[6] The Guardian,[7] The Los Angeles Times,[8] The National Interest,[9] The New York Times,[10] Slate,[11] The Sydney Morning Herald,[12] US News & World Report,[13] The Wall Street Journal,[14] and The Washington Post.
He also regularly appears as a guest on Australian and international television and radio, and in the past has appeared on programs such as Charlie Rose, ABC Radio National's RN Breakfast and ABC television's Lateline.
Fullilove's high school education was at North Sydney Boys' High School in Crows Nest, Sydney.
Fullilove undertook undergraduate studies at the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales, where he received degrees in arts and law and was awarded dual university medals.
He studied as a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford, where he took a master's degree and a doctorate in international relations.
Fullilove is currently the executive director of the Lowy Institute for International Policy.
He wrote the feasibility study for the Lowy Institute in 2002, and served as the director of its global issues program for most of its first decade. He was appointed to the executive director position in August 2012.
He has also worked as a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., an adviser to Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating, and a lawyer. Fullilove remains a nonresident senior fellow at Brookings.
In 2005, Fullilove published 'Men and Women of Australia!' Our Greatest Modern Speeches, an edited collection of post-Federation speeches delivered either by Australians or by notable visitors to Australia. A revised second edition of this collection is to be published in 2014.
In 2013 he co-edited, with Lowy Institute Research Director Anthony Bubalo, Reports from a Turbulent Decade, an anthology of Lowy Institute's work from 2003 to 2013.
Also in 2013, Fullilove published his Rendezvous with Destiny: How Franklin D. Roosevelt and Five Extraordinary Men Took America into the War and into the World, which documents the role played by five of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 'personal envoys' in drawing the United States into the Second World War. On 19 May 2014 Rendezvous with Destiny was awarded the New South Wales Premier's Literary Award for Non-Fiction.
Personal life
Michael Fullilove lives in Sydney with his wife Gillian and their three sons.
Select Bibliography
- ‘Bush is from Mars, Kerry is from Mars too: The Presidential Election and U.S. Foreign Policy.’ Lowy Institute Issues Brief, October 2004.
- (With Chloë Flutter) Diaspora: The world wide web of Australians. Lowy Institute Paper 04, 2004.
- ‘Angels and Dragons: Asia, the UN, Reform, and the Next Secretary General.’ Lowy Institute Policy Brief, July 2005.
- (Editor) ‘Men and Women of Australia!’ Our Greatest Modern Speeches. Vintage, 2005.
- (With Anthony Bubalo) ‘Iran, the International Community and the Nuclear Issue: Where to Next?’ Lowy Institute Analysis, December 2005.
- ‘The Testament of Solomons: RAMSI and International State-Building.’ Lowy Institute Analysis, March 2006.
- ‘Capital punishment and Australian Foreign Policy.’ Lowy Institute Policy Brief, August 2006.
- ‘Still Looking To America: Labor and the US alliance.’ John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library Visiting Scholar's Public Lecture, August 2007.
- Worldwide webs: Diasporas and the international system. Lowy Institute Paper 22, 2008.
- ‘Hope or glory? The presidential election and U.S. foreign policy.’ Brookings Policy Paper 9, October 2008.
- ‘Send the Envoy: Obama's Diplomatic Posse.’ Foreign Affairs, 12 March 2009.
- ‘A place at the top table.’ Griffith Review 28, 2010.
- ‘President of the world.’ Australian Literary Review, February 2009.
- ‘China and the United Nations: The Stakeholder Spectrum.’ The Washington Quarterly 43:3, 2011.
- 'The audacity of reasonableness: Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, US foreign policy and Australia.' Lowy Institute Analysis, October 2012
- Rendezvous with Destiny: How Franklin D. Roosevelt and Five Extraordinary Men Took America into the War and into the World. Penguin, 2013.
- (Editor, with Anthony Bubalo) Reports from a Turbulent Decade: The Lowy Institute for International Policy 10th Anniversary Collection. Viking, 2013.
- ‘A Larger Australia.’ Speech to the National Press Club of Australia, 12 March 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael (12 March 2014). "Big is Absolutely Better as we Face an Evolving Asia.". The Australian. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael (25 October 2013). "Nothing to Fear but Fear". Australian Financial Review. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael (16 May 2009). "How Obama Divides—and Conquers". The Daily Beast. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael (29 March 2007). "'America's Seinfeld Strategy in Iraq". The Financial Times. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael (12 March 2009). "Send the Envoy: Obama's Diplomatic Posse". Foreign Affairs. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael. "Why Australians are Cool with Spying". Foreign Policy. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael (6 June 2014). "Are Australia and China Frenemies?'". The Guardian. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael (6 July 2013). "Obama needs an FDR-Like Foreign Policy Pivot.'". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael (13 February 2007). "Barack Obama v. John Howard". The National Interest. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Mchael (5 September 2013). "Caught between the U.S. and China". New York Times. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael (22 May 2007). "Chinese Love Triangle". Slate. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael (12 January 2010). "Mistakes, but Signs of Improvement: Obama gets a B-Plus for First Year". Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael (4 December 2013). "The "Pivot" has run out of puff". U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved 19 June 2014.
- ↑ Fullilove, Michael (4 July 2013). "Five Lessons of Leadership from FDR". Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 19 June 2014.